Zenbivy light bed (quilt sleep system)

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Zenbivy light bed (quilt sleep system)

Postby tazzi » Sun 25 Jul, 2021 11:38 am

I haven't seen the zenbivy bed (the 'bivy' part is a misnomer) mentioned at all on here so this is my very brief review after minimal use.

As a restless side sleeper I have been considering a quilt setup for a while but hadn't really found anything that I was willing to wear the cost of if it didn't work. Zenbivy had a 25% off sale recently so I took a punt and got a 10° light quilt/25° light sheet combo for just under $450 delivered. Note that the temp ratings in the names are farenheit/extreme.

I have only used it on one overnight trip in temps around 5°C but I am a convert. While not ultra light it is lighter and warmer than my supposedly equivalent S2S womens latitude 1 bag and the comfort for my sleeping style was amazing. Bonus that the quilt will now also be my goto for car and camper trips.

Zenbivy aparently had its origins as a kickstarter and has continued from there. https://www.zenbivy.com
Last edited by tazzi on Sun 25 Jul, 2021 3:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Zenbivy light bed

Postby GregG » Sun 25 Jul, 2021 12:56 pm

Zenbivy light bed?
I thought I was going to read about Pete Evans latest idea. Good thing I read on :)
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Re: Zenbivy light bed

Postby tazzi » Sun 25 Jul, 2021 3:44 pm

GregG wrote:Zenbivy light bed?
I thought I was going to read about Pete Evans latest idea. Good thing I read on :)

Ha! Edited the title. Not a very descriptive name is it - certainly didn't show up in any of my quilt searches. I first heard of zenbivy via the Durston Gearheads facebook page.
Nothofagus gunnii
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Re: Zenbivy light bed (quilt sleep system)

Postby thoyeabout » Sun 25 Jul, 2021 9:48 pm

I've had mine for almost 2 yrs now. Is definitely the most comfy and versatile hiking sleep system I've ever owned but on the downside it is a fraction heavier than previous systems and certainly slower and a bit fiddly to get ready. Still the best night sleep you can get the bush though.
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Re: Zenbivy light bed (quilt sleep system)

Postby Ms_Mudd » Sat 13 Nov, 2021 3:06 pm

My husband bought a zen bivy system for motorcycle touring. He uses a Thermarest something something recycled pillow though. He swears it is a super comfy system. He got a ridiculously wide mat though (30"?!) , so although I have tried it in our loungreoom and been impressed with the comfort , it is far larger than anything I would ever carry so comfort of it is irrelevant.

I do like the concept of the system though, as I found quilts did not work out for me due to being a restless sleeper. I was always cold with a quilt. I can see how the Zenbivy system could potentially work for me over a traditional quilt, but I found buying oversized(purchased regular when small was the correct sizing) One Planet bags very comfortable and warm for my tossing and turning.
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Re: Zenbivy light bed (quilt sleep system)

Postby jafa1970 » Tue 16 Nov, 2021 12:04 pm

Their website indicates a Friends Only Black Friday Sale is coming up soon if in the market.
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Re: Zenbivy light bed (quilt sleep system)

Postby tazzi » Tue 16 Nov, 2021 2:58 pm

jafa1970 wrote:Their website indicates a Friends Only Black Friday Sale is coming up soon if in the market.

I got an email yesterday with the following info:
Our early "subscribers-only" Black Friday Sale goes live this weekend! As a member of our online community, you'll get exclusive access to the best deals of the year. Be sure to check Friday's email for the "friends-only" discount code to unlock savings of up to 40% off!
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