Neve Gear 5*c Custom Quilt Review

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Neve Gear 5*c Custom Quilt Review

Postby Hiking Exped » Sat 02 Apr, 2022 1:47 pm

I have never really been into quilts instead of full sleeping bags, but may just be now converted!

Just had a Neve Gear 950 Goose down quilt in the high Australian Alps and wow!

I had the 5*c rated one, (based on Women’s ratings so about 1* for men), but Ryan does others and various size differences. I had a regular wide.

First off - it is light, very light! Weighing in at a fraction over 400g. It is very soft and luxurious to sleep in with 10D fabric, has a zipper for lower legs and a drawcord pull foot box which all opens out like a blanket and works great.

With a neck baffle and boxed baffles to hold the down where you need it and elastic straps and clips to trap warmth in around your torso against your bed/pad, it is very cosy, warm, comfortable to move about in and very versatile for various conditions.

It was very windy and cooling down at the end of March high in the Victorian Alps, but with a decent insulated bed and mid weight base layers the 5*c seems a fair rating with Ryan doing other light down quilts down to -10*.

It feels well made, durable and Ryan at Neve Gear has researched, refined, tested and manufacturers these all in Australia.

Top quilt and the price and customer service is second to none.

Highly recommended
Hiking Exped
Athrotaxis cupressoides
Athrotaxis cupressoides
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Joined: Wed 13 Oct, 2021 8:05 am
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