Tarkine Goshawk trail runners

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Tarkine Goshawk trail runners

Postby Neo » Wed 26 Oct, 2022 10:44 pm

I have favoured these shoes for six months as daily footwear and for multi day bushwalks. They could have received a five star rating...

Clever name although a very small percentage is put towards the Tarkine movement.

The shoe is wider at the forefoot than most designs, similar to Altra and Topo.

The main material is a sturdy mesh that is highly breathable and durable. A sort of thick netting instead of the usual thin and smooth or soft fabrics of several other shoe makers. It also has a little flex and is bonded successfully to an elasticated lace and tongue area that has remained intact and flawless.

I swapped out the laces for Kiwi elastics from the supermarket and find them firm enough for the majority of walking terrain and easy to slip on and off without adjusting the lace.

Although not a zero drop shoe like those I have been wearing for the last few years, I find them comfortable and leave a mild pair of arch supports inside.

The only reason I wouldn't rate this shoe 5/5 is because of the lack of grip on even slightly wet soil or thin greasy mud.

Billed as a running shoe this is a big miss. No idea how you could trust these for running. Think of your favourite old thongs when you accidentally step too quickly on a wet painted line in the carpark! Ice skates.

So 2.5/5 from me. If the shoe had lugs like the Alta Lonepeak I would rate them 5.5/5

On the up side, this could be a mini project with some glue to Frankenstein a custom improvement as the rest of the materials look like they will easily last another six months or more. Or if a half price sale came along I would buy again and get a professional resole/tread addition ;)

Edit, removed the word trail from running.
Athrotaxis selaginoides
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Re: Tarkine Goshawk trail runners

Postby sandym » Thu 27 Oct, 2022 3:06 pm

Thanks for the review. I love the Altras because they do not crimp my toes up but they sure are getting pricey unless you can get a deal. Those Tarkine's look like they have a huge drop between heel and toe, not sure I could function in those any more.

I am curious how you find the durability of the upper on either of those brands. I've blown through the uppers on Altras after 6 months while the sole is still going strong and that is saving them for trail running only and not using them to bushwack.
Phyllocladus aspleniifolius
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Re: Tarkine Goshawk trail runners

Postby Neo » Thu 27 Oct, 2022 8:41 pm

Hi Sandy.

The uppers of the Tarkine have not failed at all. I was even flipping the spuds on a barbie when a stick fell out, the hot end resting on the bunion behind my left big toe. I did not see it at first as I was in the middle of an important job, the burn sensation took a moment to register at the other end of my body. The left Goshawk now has a perfectly positioned hole about 1.5cm diameter at said bunion, edges sealed neatly by the glowing end of that stick! Still going strong a couple of months later. Except for the ice skate factor.

I previously had two pairs of Topo that both let go around the sole and upper within three months of regular wear. Alas I thought I had found my holy grail of shoe and bought the second Topo as spares, too soon. Not completely let go, until I replaced one pair with Altra.

I have two pairs of Lonepeak runners. The first have worn more on the upper than the sole as yours have. No holes above but plenty of side lugs remaining. The second pair are the WP version which I would only wear when the top temperature is forecast 15C or below. My feet would swelter in waterproof footwear above 15C.

So I am still rocking the Tarkine daily until I get time to Frankenstein their soles, have two pairs of Altra still in good condition and the one pair of Topo are now my mountain biking shoe.
Athrotaxis selaginoides
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Re: Tarkine Goshawk trail runners

Postby Neo » Sat 10 Jun, 2023 12:59 pm

Think I was too harsh with my star rating of 2.5/5.

Bumping it up to 4.5

as I still wear them! Just a bit lacking in grip for mud but they are more of a town shoe than trail shoe.
A new model out now, sounds like a gripper sole
Athrotaxis selaginoides
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