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Ursack Minor Critter bag (for storing food)

Wed 31 Oct, 2018 3:48 pm
by emma_melbourne
I just got one of these from USA. Expensive but worth it for me if it keeps critters out of my food.
First impressions:
131 grams on my scale.
Velcro super strong and took some muscle on my part to open.
Volume: advertised as 10.65 Litres
Made of bullet-proof Kevlar and stainless steel.
I’ll let you all know how it holds up on trail.
Re: Ursack Minor Critter bag (for storing food)

Wed 31 Oct, 2018 3:49 pm
by emma_melbourne
With my hand in for scale. (Medium size female hand)
Re: Ursack Minor Critter bag (for storing food)

Wed 31 Oct, 2018 5:49 pm
by Huntsman247
It's not just the food. Not long ago I left my first aid kit out after using it in the middle of the night... Something, most likely a mouse chewed up most of my first aid stuff and ate the antiseptic powder. Didn't think it was a target... Lol
Be interesting to see if it holds up to actual animal teeth as claimed.
Re: Ursack Minor Critter bag (for storing food)

Thu 01 Nov, 2018 3:50 pm
by north-north-west
Chuck one at a devil and if it survives that, it will survive anything.
Re: Ursack Minor Critter bag (for storing food)

Thu 01 Nov, 2018 4:07 pm
by Mark F
Either I eat really unpalatable food or I have been very lucky over the past 50 years of walking. I have always kept food in bags and always hung it at night or in the tent and all gear well secured.
A devil will test the ultimate strength of the bag but a possum and a few currawongs may find more ingenious methods to rifle the booty. If expecting predatory devils or possums make sure it is well secured or else the bag will disappear into the surrounding scrub. I've had a possum drag a walking pole at least 50 metres and a friend lost a Dunlop Volley when a possum carried it off up a tall eucalypt at New Pelion.