Dan Durston X Mid 2p

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Dan Durston X Mid 2p

Postby Orbita_Serenitatem » Thu 19 Mar, 2020 9:53 am

My new Self Isolation Machine arrived today - X Mid 2p x Drop etc.

Will set up later this afternoon, but two things to report on the one I received:

1. Shipped weight in supplied stuff sack is 1089gm

2. Same packing size length as the X Mid 1p - just slightly 'fatter' 17cm vs 15cm.





Just set it up - for the additional 232gs of weight over the X Mid 1p this thing has a huge interior space!

I'm 182cm and have used 1p shelters for the last four years and I cant believe how wide, long and tall the area inside is.

Will use it tonight with the coming cool change and report back if required.

All the best of health to you all.




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Re: Dan Durston X Mid 2p

Postby MeanderingFlyFisher » Fri 20 Mar, 2020 8:47 am

Thanks for that. I bit the bullet early in the week and hopefully mine turns up next week.
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Re: Dan Durston X Mid 2p

Postby Orbita_Serenitatem » Fri 20 Mar, 2020 11:42 am

It’s like a palace mate!

I am replacing the corner gielines as the factory supplied is just a bit too fine for the line locks and one of mine slipped out yesterday in high gusty winds.

Good thing was that the poles, as they are looped into the tub floor, remained in place so all I had to do to repitch the tent was to pull the fly corner back out to resecure at the stake and the whole tent stood upright
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Re: Dan Durston X Mid 2p

Postby Ms_Mudd » Mon 08 Jun, 2020 11:22 am

Great photos. Wow, there is not much difference in them at all.
Love, love my 1p Xmid. Tent bound ladt week and wouldn't have minded a smidge more space.

To get in on Aug 31 drop or not....
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Re: Dan Durston X Mid 2p

Postby Kott » Tue 16 Jun, 2020 9:46 am

mhmh I'm also thinking of getting one of these...drop doesnt send to australia, right?
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Re: Dan Durston X Mid 2p

Postby Lamont » Tue 16 Jun, 2020 10:53 am

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Re: Dan Durston X Mid 2p

Postby Mountain Rocket » Tue 16 Jun, 2020 5:56 pm

Kott wrote:mhmh I'm also thinking of getting one of these...drop doesnt send to australia, right?

Unless they recently changed their policy they do.
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