[Hiking Poles] Naturehike NH19S010-T Carbon Fiber

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[Hiking Poles] Naturehike NH19S010-T Carbon Fiber

Postby keithy » Sun 04 Oct, 2020 2:43 pm

TLDR skip to second post for review viewtopic.php?f=63&t=31803&p=401791#p401791

I started using poles in 2013 during my trip to Nepal. These were a pair of cheap twist lock aluminium suspension spring poles that weighed about 290g per pole without tips/baskets. I found that poles helped me for ascents and descents with a full pack.

Since 2015 I have moved to quick adjust flip lock poles, and various Carbon fiber trekking poles. I've had a few carbon fiber poles from various Chinese brands. I tried the lighter twist lock poles, but as I regularly adjust poles for terrain and I find the quick locks quicker and handier.

In 2015 I picked up a pair of Pioneer branded carbon fiber poles. A three part quick lock pole, the top handle part (with too much eva foam padding imho), and is made of aluminium alloy, while the lower two pole sections are made of carbon fiber. Not a bad pole, weighing 203g without tips/baskets.

When I started using hiking pole tents for my local and overseas trips, I relied on the poles for double duty.

On a trip to the Europe I had planned on borrowing a set of my friend's hiking poles over in Slovenia for my trip to the Azores to use with my Axeman hiking pole tent (viewtopic.php?f=63&t=28191). Both her poles however were twist lock, so I ended up getting a pair of these from Amazon Germany https://www.amazon.de/-/en/Trekking-Ant ... B07DHD5Z7J sent over within a week. Good poles, branded Suolide, similar to the Pioneer branded pole mentioned above, the top section is made from aluminium alloy, while the two lower sections are made of carbon fiber. With less handle padding than the Pioneer pole, and slightly smaller flip locking mechanism, the poles weighed 170.5g each, without tips/baskets.

Good pole again, however, I found that when I travelled between countries, to fit the poles safely in my checked luggage on planes, I dismantled all three sections and stowed together in my backpack.

This might have caused some issues as at the end of my 5 weeks hiking the Azores islands, I discovered that one of the hinge pins for the locking mechanism had become loose and fallen out. I spent a day walking around to building sites in my poor Portuguese and asking around until I found someone who happily gave me a nail that was the perfect diameter. I used my trusty multi-tool to bend the nail in place, snip the excess and file down the sharp edges.

Suolide flip lock in field repair.jpg
Field repaired Flip Lock hinge in 2018
Suolide flip lock in field repair.jpg (51.77 KiB) Viewed 24268 times

A year later hiking in the Caucausus in Georgia, I found that the hinge pins on the other Suolide pole were also exhibiting the same problem, so again, I wandered around a village and found some guys working on a shop fitout and asked if they had some nails of the same size, and they gave me four. I knocked out the remaining hingepins on my poles and replaced them with the nails. The pole and my fix has held up again for the past year and half of use now, working out perfectly during trips through the rest of the Caucasus and in Patagonia. I had considered trying to find replacements https://cascademountaintech.com/collect ... arts-locks but after my DIY fix, the locks held fine when used to hold up my tents even in windy conditions.

I now also use my hiking poles as a DIY tripod, using the two poles, some cordage, a silicone rubber band and my octopus tripod. Link to my DIY hiking pole tripod setup viewtopic.php?f=23&t=31801
Last edited by keithy on Sun 04 Oct, 2020 2:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Phyllocladus aspleniifolius
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Re: [Hiking Poles] Naturehike NH19S010-T Carbon Fiber

Postby keithy » Sun 04 Oct, 2020 2:52 pm

So, while I didn't really need another pair of hiking poles, I saw these pop up on Amazon AU https://www.amazon.com.au/Lightweight-S ... B07VNKQ9K8

My curiosity was peaked, as they were lighter than my current 2/3 carbon fiber poles, so I surmised that all sections must be made of carbon fiber. In addition, it had a non-adjustable wrist strap design I've never encountered before, and a unique threaded bottom tip. I couldn't find any reviews, so decided to get one and try one out.

Review - Naturehike NH19S010-T Carbon Fiber Pole

Naturehike seem to come up with some good reasonably priced kit. Some of their kit seems to be copies of other brand's designs, while some seem to be unique designs.

I haven't seen this particular pole design elsewhere, so I'll give NH the benefit of the doubt and say it appears to be a unique design. This pole comes in a fancy Tolberone triangular shaped box with embossed printing.

I opted for the Large version which extends to 130cm, weighing 145g. The Medium version extends to 120cm and 140g, and the Small extends to 110cm and is 135g.

Checking on my scales, it came up at approx 145g sans basket/tips. Basket is 7.3g and tip is 9.8g.

What's in the box
NH19S010-T Contents.jpg
NH19S010-T Contents.jpg (114.82 KiB) Viewed 24266 times

  • 3 Section carbon fiber pole
  • 2 x rubber stopper tips
  • 1 x mud basket
  • 1 x manual
  • 1 x triangular shaped box to wrap up for Christmas to fool the kids into thinking you got them a giant Tolberone

Rubber stopper tip
In the box, it comes with a rubber stopper tip installed, and a spare Vibram branded rubber tip, and a mud basket. The rubber tip is more flexible than rubber stopper from my previous poles. In addition, the opening diameter of the rubber tips is larger than my standard poles, meaning that replacement rubber stoppers would have to be forced on to the non standard tip of these Naturehike poles.

NH19S010-T Supplied rubber tip vs Generic.jpg
Supplied Left / Generic Right
NH19S010-T Supplied rubber tip vs Generic.jpg (26.28 KiB) Viewed 24266 times

Mud basket
Similarly the provided mud basket is thinner than mud baskets from my other poles. Again, the non-standard tip of these Naturehike poles means that while the provided basket fits perfectly, replacement generic baskets may not. I have a spare set of Pioneer branded snow and mud baskets (which were all interchangeable even with Leki and Black Diamond poles I've used), and these do not thread all the way up.

NH19S010-T Supplied Mud Basket vs Generic.jpg
Supplied Left / Generic Right
NH19S010-T Supplied Mud Basket vs Generic.jpg (48.11 KiB) Viewed 24266 times

Pointy End
From the above it is clear that the threaded aluminium alloy head and the tungsten steel tip is not a standard tip. Most of my poles tips get quite abused, so I wonder how easy it will be to get replacment tips for these, or if the readily available generic replacement tips would fit if these ever needed replacement.

NH19S010-T tip and flip lock comparison .jpg
Supplied Left / Suolide Right
NH19S010-T tip and flip lock comparison .jpg (124.35 KiB) Viewed 24266 times

Removing the bottom section of the pole, the Naturehike pole is approximately 7.5cms shorter than the bottom pole sections of either my Pioneer or Suolide carbon poles. The weight difference being about 5g (the Pioneer/Suolide bottom shafts weigh 39g each, the Naturehike bottom shaft weighs 34g).

There is some interchangability however, as the bottom most shaft of my other poles also fit inside the top two shafts of the Naturehike pole.

Flip Lock Clips
The locking clips are a similar albeit slightly smaller design to the Suolide and to a lesser extent, the Pioneer pole. The plastic on the Naturehike appeared to be lighter in weight and it could potentially be a failure point. Given my experience with the failure of the hinge pin in my Suolide poles, this Naturehike hinge pin looks very similar, and I might add a dab of epoxy over the ends to ensure the pin does not dislogdge. The locking clip on my Pioneer poles are rock solid, but come at a weight penalty. Time will tell how these locking clips will last. The locking clips look very similar to the replacements available through Cascade Mountain Tech linked above.

NH19S010-T tip and flip lock comparison .jpg
Supplied Left / Suolide Right
NH19S010-T tip and flip lock comparison .jpg (124.35 KiB) Viewed 24266 times

I pulled the locking clips out and was surprised that the Naturehike flip lock pin and bolt weighed slightly more than the same from my other poles.

  • Naturehike 10.6g
  • Suolide 9.1g (franken-hinge)
  • Pioneer 9.7g
The pole handles are a ridged eva foam. I have tried cork handles, which people advise me are superior, but for some reason, I don't like cork handles, and all my carbon fiber poles have foam handles.

The top of the pole is a design I've not seen on other poles before. The wrist strap is affixed by a screw and a thread built in to the shaft handle. I'm not 100% sure if the screw thread diameter will fit a 3/8" screw adapter to 1/4" tripod hole, but that would be handy if it does. I know I've got a 3/8" adapter somewhere, but can't find it to test it out.

The wrist strap material is very lightweight, but appears to be as strong as the heavier straps on my other poles. I am a firm believer in using the wrist strap when walking with poles - the downward force on the pole when i use it with the strap comes from my wrist and palm, rather than from my hand's grip. So when I use the poles, I have more of a Lego minifig hand position rather than a tight grip on the pole handles. But if you prefer not to use the straps, the design of the strap anchor is simple to remove it. The strap on mine weighed 5.5g

NH19S010-T handle and strap.jpg
NH19S010-T handle and strap.jpg (127.95 KiB) Viewed 24266 times

Model: NH19S010-T (Large variant)
Weight: 145g (without tips/basket)
Mud basket is 7.3g
Rubber tip is 9.8g.
Strap is 5.5g
Expanded Length: 130cm
Minimum Length: 57cm
Price: ~AUD$55

I am unable to get out and about with the Covid restrictions in Victoria, so the best I can do is say at the moment is that I reckon this is a reasonably priced, good quality, lightweight carbon fiber pole with quick release flip locks.

My current Suolide CF poles weigh 341g /pair. A pair of Naturehike NH19S010-T would be 290g.
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Phyllocladus aspleniifolius
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Re: [Hiking Poles] Naturehike NH19S010-T Carbon Fiber

Postby Nutrient6922 » Wed 25 May, 2022 9:35 pm

hey @keithy
sorry to resurect an old post.
did you had any luck replacing the tips of the naturehike pole?
i have the exact pole and now that that the tip is worn out i am seriously hoping that this is replaceable and not just a use once and throw hiking pole which would be ridiculous.
i tried the crescent wrench trick to whack it out but it is firmly seated hahaha
hope to hear from you soon
Nothofagus cunninghamii
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Re: [Hiking Poles] Naturehike NH19S010-T Carbon Fiber

Postby keithy » Fri 03 Jun, 2022 9:17 pm

Nutrient6922 wrote:did you had any luck replacing the tips of the naturehike pole?

Hi I haven't replaced the tips on my poles yet. They haven't done too many kms yet.

I was also going to suggest the crescent wrench trick, as that is the only way I've ever managed to swap out tips on other poles before. I would probably suggest a bigger/heftier crescent wrench and see if that works.

I haven't been able to find the exact tips that Naturehike use in these poles. I had messaged a few Naturehike websites but they didn't know or didn't stock it.

On my calipers, my regular poles at the end where the plastic tip meets the pole has a diameter of 11.7mm while the Naturehike pole where the tip meets the pole, the pole diameter measures 11.8mm which probably isn't an issue as the pole diameter decreases to the pointy end. I don't have any spare tips at the moment, but I've seen some pole replacement tips suggesting the internal diameter is 10mm, and some others of 12mm.
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