MacPac ION grid-fleece top - thoughts

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MacPac ION grid-fleece top - thoughts

Postby Biggles » Fri 02 Jun, 2023 11:49 am

Thoughts on MacPac ION grid-fleece top

I bought this, in size small, in blue/red trim. First impressions are overwhelmingly positive.
The fit is snug — none of too short, too long, too tight or too floppy, which is remarkable for me, moreso for MacPac!

Worn over a Kathmandu active sports 150wt merino tee (light weave back) and a matched 150wt active sports merino long-sleeve (also light weave back, both Kathmandu), this top completes a very comfy and suitably warm combination.

In a light breeze yesterday, the wind certainly penetrates this outer layer; in colder times it will be the third and final layer beneath a North Face down jacket. The hem length is just right for me. There is no extra material to flap around, just enought to tuck in, it is pretty much figure hugging.

The collar might irritate some people; initially it was a bit stiff and disconcerting to zip up, feeling a bit like a heavy jacquard knit. I have used the top with the collar fully zipped up and partially open and folded down (collared).

There is no inner barrier fleece, save for a light weight grey fleece backing the very roomy chest pocket.

Thumb loops at the end of the cuffs complete the scene. I don't need to thread my thumbs through these as the cuff sits naturally at the wrist, with no ride-up at all to speak of.

The price of $89.99, which is for MacPac members, seems a just a little steep for what it is. OTOH, weighed up against the quality of finish and material, together with a snug and proper fit, on balance I think it is money well spent.

It is peculiarly sunny and a touch warm north of the Divide today, so just one under layer — a 100wt MacPac long sleeve then the ION over the top. That's it, fully dressed and ready for lunch! :lol:

Conversation about the weather is the last refuge of the unimaginative.
—Oscar Wilde, 1890.
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