by Mr Bean » Tue 03 Dec, 2019 12:53 pm
Sorry for the long post, but from our experience (Rumpff Saddle to Hotham) we did in two sections, but learnt a lot about the terrain. In January we did Rumpff Saddle to Mac Springs, then in March/April did Mac Springs to Hotham. Our notes were:
- Rumpff Saddle, water found at the alternate camp site (1.5km from the Saddle) as mentioned by John Chapman. The road forks and the right branch leads to a pipe under the track, where water was flowing.
- Low Saddle, on the decent from Mt Sunday, had a look for the water as mentioned by John Chapman, but the terrain is very steep and after 20min gave up. We could hear the water running which was frustrating. At Low Saddle itself, we found no water. We then hiked up and camped at the start of the Mt MacDonald climb and camped by the roadside (in John's book, its at the 129.5km mark). We then dropped packs and hiked (with every water bottle we had) down the Mt Sunday Rd to Barkly River West Branch (30min). Lots of water. In future, I'd probably do the same. An easy walk for reliable water.
- Nobs Track, by this stage, I wanted reliable water and did the 2km decent down to Clear Creek. Hard walk, but lots of water. The other option, which I'd explore next time, is at the AAWT / Nobs track junction (just down from Mt MacDonald) I'd head SW to a couple of stream crossings. The road appears to be an easier grade.
- Chesters Yard, lots of water.
- Just before King Billy's there's a spring that crosses the road.
- Howitt Spring, as you descend to Mac Springs, there's a spring to the right 200m from the track. When we went there in late March it was a slow trickle. Took us 20min to fill up a number of bottles. Saved time by not going to Mac Springs.
- Camp Creek, good water. Flowing well.
- Water tanks from Barry Saddle to Hotham. All were full in April. The new tank at Barry Saddle my be low, as they put 200L into it a couple of weeks ago.
Hope that helps.
As it is, we are planning on doing that section again next March / April, over school hol's / Easter. We can do that in 11 days, based on previous times. Its certainly a difficult but rewarding section of the AAWT.