Advice is sought about routes at Kosciuszko NP near Tantangara Reservoir
The plan is generally southbound on the AAWT. After Oldfields Hut the AAWT does a loop to the north past Pockets Hut, over Harrys Gap and on to Boundary Creek. There's a track from near Morris Creek 503509 south to Old Currango Homestead. My very old Rules Point 1:25,000 map has a route marked from where the Murray Gap Trail from Oldfields meets the Blue Valentines Trail, 571504. The route goes west and south-west to the Old Currango Homestead.
If this is open plains then it should be okay. However, there are swamps marked on my map and feral horses may have chopped up the plains. Also, Sally Tree and Mosquito Creeks have sizable watersheds and could be big enough to create a challenge.
Is the route from 571504 to Old Currango Homestead viable?
Starting from the homestead it is possible to go north to Morris Creek and then on the AAWT to Boundary Creek. Another option is to go south. My Tantangara 1983 edition 1:100 has a road going south to Port Phillip Trail, which is taken north-west over Port Phillip Gap to the Boundary Creek campsite.
An alternative is to go southish over Dairymans Plain and west to Dairymans Gap to meet the AAWT south of Dairymans Creek. I'm aware of a party that did this but have scant details. Is this route viable?
The final alternative is to go south on Dam Trail, a bridge across the Murrumbidgee, and Nungar Creek Trail. If there's no bridge it will be too risky. Is this way viable?