For people seeking walking companions or transport for the Overland Track in Tasmania
Forum rules
This forum is for people seeking walking companions or transport for the Overland Track. There is a separate forum to find walking companions and transport for other walking areas.
1 This website is not a bushwalking club. 2 Users take responsibility for all actions arising from meetings made via this website. 3 Be totally self-sufficient – your own tent, stove, gear, etc. 4 Walkers under the age of 18 and/or those walking with them should raise the trip with the under 18's parents or legal guardians. 5 Please lock your thread when it is no longer needed. Moderators may lock threads without notice. More details on these guidelines
Any chance someone is driving all or partway between Hobart and Cradle Mountain on Thursday 26 November or early Friday 27 Nov? Happy to contribute petrol, snacks, baked goods, coffees, etc.