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N'Western and Western Ranges of the ACT.

Wed 05 Nov, 2014 7:54 am


During the colder months that have just past, I went looking for interesting views of the N'Western and Western Ranges of the ACT. In the Brindabella, Tidbinbilla, Bullen, and Hardy Ranges amongst others. The weather was mostly clear but some days the wind and chill factor kept reminding me that these ranges are the spurs of the Northern Australian Alps.

Some may have seen NathanaelB's thread that I contributed to about Chance of Snow in Canberra Hills 17th July . Those shots were also from that time.

Some of the views were good to photograph especially at the times when the light and atmospherics were nice. I took several hundred photographs and did a couple of dozen drawings. Here are a few of my favourites. The main purpose wasn't only walking it was to find interesting views that others may not have seen and to draw and then to hopefully to paint.






The Tidbinbilla Range has heaps of potential for unexpected views especially when seen from the North and from the edge of the Yass Plains.




This final drawing is of Condor Hill on the NW edge of Namadgi National Park, from about a kilometre downstream of Vanity's crossing on the Cotter River. With fishing no longer allowed here, I thought that I'd like an image ... I'm guessing that with the raising of the Cotter Dam wall this area will eventually be flooded, once the reservoir fills to near capacity, sadly.


Last edited by WarrenH on Wed 05 Nov, 2014 8:14 am, edited 2 times in total.

Re: N'Western and Western Ranges of the ACT.

Wed 05 Nov, 2014 8:10 am

Great shots!

Re: N'Western and Western Ranges of the ACT.

Wed 05 Nov, 2014 8:27 am

Nice moody photos.

Re: N'Western and Western Ranges of the ACT.

Wed 05 Nov, 2014 9:08 am

Yes - love the mood in your shots Warren

Re: N'Western and Western Ranges of the ACT.

Wed 05 Nov, 2014 9:40 am

Agree'd, Great sense of the place and the conditions you were in when taking these.

Re: N'Western and Western Ranges of the ACT.

Wed 05 Nov, 2014 11:38 am

Lovely pics Warren. I especially like that second photo!

Re: N'Western and Western Ranges of the ACT.

Wed 05 Nov, 2014 12:00 pm

Yeah highly evocative photos Warren. As ever, thanks for sharing.

Re: N'Western and Western Ranges of the ACT.

Mon 10 Nov, 2014 9:29 am

Thank you, whitefang, Dave, eggs, cams, Pteropus and phan_TOM for your rewarding comments and thank you for waiting for my reply. After posting I was laid-low with the flu ... despite having had a flu shot this year, it got me.

Contrary to popular belief, we Canberrans don't see much of the Brindabella Range, if at all, unless we're up high, on Mount Taylor or on Rob Roy or North of Parkwood. The Brindabella Range is mostly hidden behind the Tidbinbilla Range.

Please enjoy a few more shots of the ranges. Some of the images were shot earlier.





To the summit of Mount Namadgi ... is a monster of a day walk.










It would be a bit amiss not to include the mighty Mount Bimberi.



Re: N'Western and Western Ranges of the ACT.

Sat 22 Nov, 2014 7:31 am

If you have handled the drawings? ... please cope with another.

On Namadgi Spur looking SSW ... overlooking Kelly Spur.



Re: N'Western and Western Ranges of the ACT.

Tue 25 Nov, 2014 5:38 pm

Looking up an old friend ... the Tidbinbilla Range. From on the Bullen Range above Murrays Corner, Paddys River, ACT.



Re: N'Western and Western Ranges of the ACT.

Tue 09 Dec, 2014 8:19 am

Betwixt and between ... the Northern Brindabella Range. The Irish have a term for this type of light, they call it, a soft day.


Windy day, Billy Billy Rocks ... looking towards Mount Domain and Tidbinbilla Ridge.


This past week I did a quick reccy of the Boboyan Divide in the South of the ACT, past Waterhole Hut. Then up Back Creek to the base of the Scabby Range.

Westermans No 3 Hut.


The Scabby Range is in the distance. I didn't have the time to explore the profusion of tors above Waterhole Hut and at Back Creek. The possibilities for interesting shots there, if able to wait for good light, appears to be endless. What I could see from the fire trail, looked like the spawn from a violent mating of the Moon and Stonehenge. Well worth a slow visit with a tent, next time.




PS, Being not too far from cattle country, the flies were terrible. I swallowed several, a'la Edward Micheal "Bear"Grylls' cheap adventure protein. Not recommended.

Re: N'Western and Western Ranges of the ACT.

Tue 23 Dec, 2014 12:48 pm

One of the tor formations above Waterhole Hut.



Re: N'Western and Western Ranges of the ACT.

Wed 31 Dec, 2014 8:08 pm

The Northern most Ranges of Kosciuszko National Park, from the Brindabella Range. Half way up Harrys Spur Fire Trail above the Goodradigbee River, looking towards Circuits Mountain and McLeods Rige. The receding ridges are, the Fiery Range and the Feints Range. The squall is approaching Big Dubbo Hill.


Late afternoon clouds, the Tidbinbilla Range.


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