Looking for outdoor work in Tas from mid February

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Looking for outdoor work in Tas from mid February

Postby hikingoz » Sun 13 Nov, 2011 5:34 pm

Hi folks. I'm from ACT. Does anyone know if I need a work visa to get a job in Tasmania? :D :wink: Just kidding.

Seriously though I'm planning to head down to Tasmania in February to do some walking and I'm hoping to pick up some work while I'm there. I would like something where I can get out and about, either as Guide or for Parks and Wildlife.
I am a reasonably experienced outdoors person for my age (24) and have picked up qualifications from the SES and BWRS which should transfer across to other organisations such as Remote Area First Aid, comms and rescue techniques. I'm pretty upbeat about a bit of hard work and get along with people pretty well :D

Does anyone know of organisations anywhere in Tassie where I can do some outdoor work, for a few weeks or even months between February and June. Please get back by reply or PM.


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Re: Looking for outdoor work in Tas from mid February

Postby ILUVSWTAS » Sun 13 Nov, 2011 5:36 pm

PWS are canning more jobs than creating these days, you'd be lucky....

Forestry Tas employ people to weed some of their sites from time to time, you could try them? Otherwise some of the guiding companys would probably give you an interview.
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Re: Looking for outdoor work in Tas from mid February

Postby Nuts » Sun 13 Nov, 2011 5:49 pm

The Tasman track works might still be going, i know some people pulling out for the summer to do other things..
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Re: Looking for outdoor work in Tas from mid February

Postby tastrax » Sun 13 Nov, 2011 5:51 pm

These guys are doing work on the "Three Capes Track" - they may have some work available if they are still on the track at that time (not sure of the contract timing)

http://www.walkingtrackservices.com.au/ ... ntact.html
Cheers - Phil

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Re: Looking for outdoor work in Tas from mid February

Postby hikingoz » Sun 13 Nov, 2011 6:06 pm

Thanks guys for the quick replies. I'll follow up on some of those leads. I will contact some guide companies too. I figure it might be a bit late in the season for hiring though.
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Re: Looking for outdoor work in Tas from mid February

Postby doogs » Sun 13 Nov, 2011 6:08 pm

If you cant gets work with PWS or as a guide there is plenty of work around for grape pickers, "working on the spuds", and other outdoorsy manual type jobs involving vegetables or fruit :)
With the guide thing any students who have been guiding will be going back to Uni then so there is a chance of vacant positions.
Do you want to build a snowman?
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Re: Looking for outdoor work in Tas from mid February

Postby ILUVSWTAS » Sun 13 Nov, 2011 6:10 pm

doogs wrote:If you cant gets work with PWS or as a guide there is plenty of work around for grape pickers, "working on the spuds", and other outdoorsy manual type jobs involving vegetables or fruit :)

Very true Doogs. Down where I am there is alot of apple picking and cherry picking jobs going for a few months of the year around that time. My boss actually has a berry farm and employes people for 8 weeks stints.
Nothing to see here.
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Re: Looking for outdoor work in Tas from mid February

Postby Nuts » Sun 13 Nov, 2011 6:29 pm

abceight wrote: I will contact some guide companies too. I figure it might be a bit late in the season for hiring though.

It's never too late to enquire abt guiding but the 'season' will be well underway by then (and its being ready at short notice that matters).

Some hire uni students who go back in Feb, while enquiring early might help doing so again while your almost here and ready sparks more interest.

I doubt any will make promises, especially so far out, but a few emails with resume attached are a good start..
Last edited by Nuts on Mon 14 Nov, 2011 8:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Looking for outdoor work in Tas from mid February

Postby hikingoz » Sun 13 Nov, 2011 8:20 pm

Nuts wrote:I doubt any will make promises, especially so far out, but a few emails with resume attached are a good start (info at wildernessexpeditions dot net dot au .. for instance ; ) (hold on, you disagreed with me once didn't you? lol.. thats right.. 'don't help out fellow walkers' iirc lol lol )

er.. anyhow... I expect you need to bug people a bit, Lots of 'enquiries' come in..

Lol thanks Nuts. I suspect you're right about the timing. I'll send around a few emails now, and then follow up again closer to the date.

And Doogs I'm hoping to find some work that will develop my bush skills so work that is bushwalking related is ideal, and I'll use the 'Harvest Guide' as a last resort.

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Re: Looking for outdoor work in Tas from mid February

Postby hikingoz » Fri 17 Feb, 2012 9:28 pm

Thanks to those who replied to this topic back in november. Particularly Tastrax. I start with Walking Track Services this monday. Hopefully things go well.

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