Hunter's release from prison 'an insult'

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Hunter's release from prison 'an insult'

Postby wayno » Tue 20 Dec, 2011 11:02 am

Hunter's release from prison 'an insult'

The release from prison of a hunter who fatally shot a Lower Hutt school teacher is an insult to her family and friends, the victim's mother says.

In a decision made public yesterday, the Parole Board granted Andrew Mears release from prison next month, saying he did not present an "undue risk" to the community.

Mears, 26, will have served 11 months, or one third, of a 2 1/2 year sentence for the manslaughter of Rose Ives in October 2010.

Miss Ives, 25, was shot from a range of about 20 metres as she was cleaning her teeth at a Conservation Department campground near Turangi.

Mears was illegally spotlighting at night with three friends – Brad Bennet, Ashley Wolland and Kyle Dean – and told police he mistook Miss Ives' headlamp for the eyes of a deer.

Her mother, Margaret McFarlane, said yesterday that Mears' release was an insult to the lifelong grief Miss Ives' family and friends would carry.

Lawyer Roger Laybourn spoke with Mears and his family yesterday. His wife Brooke Mears was "delighted and relieved", he said.

"She said ideally the family would have liked to have him back for Christmas but she understands that the Ives family are not going to have their daughter for any Christmas and has again expressed her sorrow and support for their suffering."

Mears had been in minimum security at Waikeria Prison, and had "straight-forward" goals for once he was freed. "He wants to become a family man, a working man, and just live a normal life."

Parole Board convener Judge Louis Bidois said Mears had worked within the prison and had not required rehabilitative programmes. He had completed a parenting course and had associated with the "right crowd." His future job prospects were strong, with a prospective employer supporting him at the hearing.

Mr Laybourn said Mears had found prison difficult but had worked hard to win an early release.

"He's accepted his sentence and has never once complained about it. He made a decision very early on to make the best he could of his situation and has shown quiet determination."

Mears' release is subject to conditions, including undergoing grief counselling and not contacting the Ives family.

He was the first person to be convicted of manslaughter for a hunting death.

At sentencing in February at the High Court in Rotorua, Justice John Priestley said Mears had failed to identify his target and had breached the conditions of his hunting permit by spotlighting at night in a public park.

He had also failed to exercise the judgment and commonsense expected of hunters in possession of a lethal weapon and had instead shown sheer carelessness and stupidity, Justice Priestley said.

Mears' three friends – Bennet, Wolland and Dean – were fined $2500 each for breaching hunting permits.

Miss Ives' father, Malcolm Ives, who is separated from Ms McFarlane, said yesterday he would not want Mears to be stopped from hunting again.

"I hope if he did go hunting he would be a lot more careful," Mr Ives said. "I feel he has had enough punishment – the only reason he was sent to jail was to serve as a lesson to others.

"I hope he is able to get his job back and get on with his life – he will be a little older and little more wiser now for his time in jail."

Mears gave his rifle away when he was arrested.

A coroner's inquest into the cause of Miss Ives' death will be held in Rotorua in February.


Non-intentional firearm deaths 2007-11: 13

Total non-intentional firearm incidents 2007-11 (including deaths and injuries) 51.

Source: Mountain Safety Council
from the land of the long white clouds...
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