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How strong are those winds?

Sun 05 Feb, 2012 10:06 pm

The forecast is for 98Km gusts in Devonport tonight. They feel a lot stronger. We just lost a hugh wattle that blew over. Missed the rabbit hutch by inches. Isn't it unusual to have winds this strong in early Feb?

Anyone else have any damage?

Re: How strong are those winds?

Sun 05 Feb, 2012 10:19 pm

gusts to 154kmh at Cape Grim an hour ago, average was over 100kmh!

Re: How strong are those winds?

Sat 11 Feb, 2012 7:06 am

In my tent at Lonely Tarns on Sunday night they felt pretty strong and add 45 mm of rain overnight it was rather uncomfortable. Put the tent up at lunchtime, went to Turrana then came back and found the perfect sheltered site. Wish we'd moved there.
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