Two weekends ago a few of us spent a lazy day-and-a-half in the Kangaroo Valley area (trip report here: We did the popular day walk up to Drawing Room Rocks, as well as exploring a bit further into Barren Grounds Nature Reserve, but what struck me most was the impressive site of Broughton Head. It is one of those long, thin, cliff-lined sandstone mesas (basically a smaller version of Mt Solitary or Pantoney's Crown) but on the western end it has an amazing knife-edge tail that runs for some distance and looks like it would be amazing to explore.
Looking at the map this island of rock is almost completely contained by the Rodway Nature Reserve, so is public land, but that reserve is completely surrounded by private properties with no obvious access routes. Even a search online didn't give much, with the plan of management for the reserve saying it is occasionally visited by bushwalkers, but only with the permission of private landholders.
I'm really keen to get back down there and explore this amazing formation. Has anyone on here been up there and done a full traverse? Which landholders are the friendliest to bushwalkers? Do you have a phone number / email address / any other form of communication to talk to them and line up a visit?
Thanks in advance.