After extensive research, (like we do with most expensive things) my wife and I, purchased the 9 Tray
"Excalibur" for about $400.0 Plus. We were very much into a health kick at that time.

It does the job extremely well!
The most important feature's we looked for were, adjustable temperature contol from "very low and cross air flow", for even heat distribrubution. ... tor+White+Cheap dryers don't leave much in the way of actual nourishment, bit like microwaves IMO ... they over heat and the faster drying process (Excalibur drys quicker, but only because of design and relatively so, re lower temps) brings about a more concentrated flavour, often misleading to the quality of meal produced. Having said this, I myself am only a beginner to this awesome method of food prep and storage. I also grow organic food and find the dryer good for such things as well. I really need to use it much more than I do! Same goes for my cold press juicer
If you want food to sustain you, then the slower you prep and more effort you make, will result in a product that gives back so much more and for much longer, however keep in mind the faster we process our food, the less it gives back, and the quicker it depletes. The longer the trip, the more important, this fact. My dryer does not always get used, but every time I do use it...I love the fact I have one that provides quality food...and enjoy the longer process in prepping whilst thinking about all those poor soles with nothing but bread, sugar and a heavy load!
At any rate, no matter what dryer you got, or are thinking about ... when it comes to hiking, its simply the best tool you can get.