'Mount Everest Sacred Toilet' otherwise known as the 'worlds highest dumpster' according to this
story. there is no official figure on how much rubbish has been left on the mountain but, not including the bodies of failed attempts and who knows how much refuse, 400 kilo's of human waste alone has been brought down in the last 4 years...
Heres an interesting link to give an idea on the costs involved if anyones keen.
and wayno, thats a great book by the way, one of my favourite adventure stories, really well written and researched by Jon Krakauer. All told that year 19 people died trying to climb Everest. I like the way it highlights the difference between those that actually climb the mountain and the majority who are pushed, pulled and pretty much mollycoddled all the way up. Really reminds me how supremely tough and courageous those men were who first made it all the way up (not to mention those that didn't). No guides, no fixed ropes, no idea what to expect hour by hour, no chance of much if any help if anything went wrong, gear that nowadays seems ludicrously heavy and innapropriate not to mention the food etc
ALWAYS be yourself.
Unless you can be outside, then ALWAYS be outside.