ILUVSWTAS wrote:Isn't this now an international forum??
Many may find this thread offensive.
Ent wrote:ILUVSWTAS wrote:Isn't this now an international forum??
Many may find this thread offensive.
I accept and understand the personal loss behind the originating post experienced by a fellow forum member but as for the rest I agree with ILUVSWTAS. Can we please stop tragedies becoming political?
RSD wrote:Ent wrote:ILUVSWTAS wrote:Isn't this now an international forum??
Many may find this thread offensive.
I accept and understand the personal loss behind the originating post experienced by a fellow forum member but as for the rest I agree with ILUVSWTAS. Can we please stop tragedies becoming political?
I never meant for this thread to become political or offensive, and none of us that responded to the trade center that day would describe ourselves as heroes - we were simply doing our job. Fate then decided who lived and who died, I was actually the last firefighter to get out of Tower 1 before it collapsed, but I lost three of the guys off my truck
RSD wrote:I should add that I'm not American either - Aussie through and through.
stepbystep wrote:I was involved in transmitting and editing the live footage from the US. It was a massive and surreal event.
Wollemi wrote:Um... I am quite sure that my first-aid training always said not to become a victim yourself - that is; to look and think clearly before going into a hazardous site where injured people are.
RSD wrote:stepbystep wrote:I was involved in transmitting and editing the live footage from the US. It was a massive and surreal event.
You probably knew far more about what was going on than us for the first two hours - we were fourth truck in and already inside and climbing before command really knew that it was a terrorist attack or Tower 2 was struck.
stepbystep wrote:We had to guess. I was working in an area called presentation at Channel 9 in Perth, we were responsible for making sure transmission was smooth. It was pretty late and everything was on autopilot. I was on the phone to a mate when I noticed a feed from an affiliate network(we received around 16 from all over the world) that showed the first tower burning. I thought it was a movie... there were only 3 young guys on duty running the whole TV station. When the shot didn't change I knew it was something else. After tuning in I(then 24) had to make a decision to switch from the scheduled program to the live feed. I rang a head honcho and it was while I was on the phone I saw the second tower hit. We switched live about a minute later. Channel 9 Perth switched live first in Australia. Strange thing is a lot of people say they saw the 2nd tower hit live but in reality it was only me and my 2 mates.
Anyway that's my experience of it. Are you still in contact with the other firies involved?
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