Here, kitty kitty

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Here, kitty kitty

Postby Marwood » Wed 22 Aug, 2012 11:13 am

Come on lads, let's get home. The sky's beginning to bruise, night must fall, and we shall be forced to camp.
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Re: Here, kitty kitty

Postby Overlandman » Tue 18 Sep, 2012 5:28 pm ... ia/4267960

A Victorian Government investigation has concluded it is "highly unlikely" there are wild big cats living in Victoria.
No Kitty!!
Regards Overlandman
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Re: Here, kitty kitty

Postby walkinTas » Tue 18 Sep, 2012 6:13 pm

It's official! There are no big cats in Victoria. Just oversized feral cats.
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Re: Here, kitty kitty

Postby sailfish » Wed 19 Sep, 2012 11:06 pm

Interesting that it's the opposite of a well known report done for NSW some years back. Well, the opposite until the report was officially released that is.

From the ABC link (above post):
"It found the most obvious explanation for reported sightings of big cats was that they were large feral domestic cats."
Feral cats that leave 8 cm wide paw prints, please.........

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Re: Here, kitty kitty

Postby MartyGwynne » Fri 21 Sep, 2012 3:02 am

I'v seen one big black ferel cat in east gippsland it was I guess about twice the size of the domestic moggie.
Given the right positioning it could look bigger but it was not going to give an 8cm paw print though.
Other big black cats in Vic are likely to be powered by a V8 and of brittish decent......
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