by north-north-west » Thu 01 Nov, 2012 6:04 pm
The most obvious pad from the Illawong Bridge is up to Little Twynam, although there are others that lead to various points along Pound Creek. But it's all very open country, just one or two thin bands of Prostanthera and the like, and a few boggy bits best avoided by sticking to the higher lines. You can even climb up Pound Creek itself, although that tends to get some odd looks from the campers en route.
From the Twynam Saddle, the route up Twynam is clear - just avoid the worst of the rocks - and once at the trig there's a track.
As long as you keep your wits about you and it isn't blizzarding it's a very easy route to follow. I've done it in thick fog in both directions without trouble.
"Mit der Dummheit kämpfen Götter selbst vergebens."