Travelling South North during the season

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Re: Travelling South North during the season

Postby ollster » Thu 31 Jan, 2013 7:23 pm

I feel like walking the entire length of the track offtrack and just dropping into the huts every couple of days just to spite P&WS...
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Re: Travelling South North during the season

Postby corvus » Thu 31 Jan, 2013 8:55 pm

We have reduced Police numbers and it appears we have now "deputised" park Rangers :? question is how can our stretched Police Force be used to check us out at the end of a possible alternate walk ( at the start/finish of the Lees,Arm,M17 ,Moses ,Jacksons et all ) to apprehend us (boom gate on Mersey Forest Road :?: ),just cannot see that happening unless a real offence has occurred.
I suggest we all send plenty of emails to the Minister to have this farce corrected and someone in Parks being spoken to for creating what I believe is is a stupid imposition on Tasmanian Taxpayers who pay for " Parks" and his and their salaries.
Send it here with regularity but keep it polite as I believe it was not his doing but some shiny *&^%$#@! in the Department who thought this may be a good Idea :roll:
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Re: Travelling South North during the season

Postby Nuts » Thu 31 Jan, 2013 9:25 pm

Well, really, if its open slather for Ducanes, Mersey to Ossa/Pelion/Pelion West and then overnight into WFV to climb whatever, what is the point of paying for the Overland Track? :) (keeping in mind that the advice for locals is the same as that for tight *&%$#! travelers who will do anything to save a $..)

Perhaps we should scrap the permit system and go back to the good old days? I don't have any strong opinion either way but how do they operate, how should it work? (thou shall pass if tas resident? )

I do agree that the signs and advice needs to be very clear and probably better dispersed (if at all).
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Re: Travelling South North during the season

Postby stepbystep » Fri 01 Feb, 2013 7:49 am

Nuts wrote:I do agree that the signs and advice needs to be very clear and probably better dispersed (if at all).

If the advice is to be made public, clear AND sympathetic to people doing traditional routes that break 'the rules'. It will be very simple for freeloaders to simply tell the ranger, "oh I'm not doing the OT, I'm simply doing walk x" and I suspect this is what has already been happening due to the now very publicly accessible information on the Arm River and Maggs tracks, largely due to the banter and helpful advice on this forum. I'm sure I'm guilty of this, and I'm also sure PWS don't appreciate what comes out on here...

What does irk me and disappoints me is the now common story of unfriendly and unpleasant accounts of people on the track doing these traditional routes who are confronted by rangers with an axe to grind. If indeed track rangers have been briefed to be uncompromising in their approach I personally will indeed by very upset with PWS, an organisation I have great respect for.

I have had one encounter with a ranger who knew what my party had done(against the rules) and he was both pleasant and interested in the condition of the route we had taken. I would hope this is the official line and rangers are strictly instructed to tow it.

I would also say if you are doing a traditional route stay away from the 'nodes' including Pelion, there are heaps of excellent off track camping options.

I'm quite sure PWS are remaining quiet in the hope the issue will settle down, but it is indeed down to them to have a consistent and sensible policy.
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Re: Travelling South North during the season

Postby wander » Fri 01 Feb, 2013 8:20 am

I am amazed that people are able to claim they are not aware of the No South to North situation. It was very well publicised prior to permit system being introduced. We heard all about it in Adelaide.

And really it is no different to the situation in Hobart where most of the streets are one way. It is a natural progression.
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Re: Travelling South North during the season

Postby Nuts » Fri 01 Feb, 2013 8:38 am

I think it's more confusion about the exceptions to that 'north-south' rule wander, there seem to be a couple of inconsistencies.

stepbystep wrote: due to the banter and helpful advice on this forum. I'm sure I'm guilty of this

Ahhh!!! It was you!! why do people feel the need to be so damn helpful!! :)
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Re: Travelling South North during the season

Postby stepbystep » Fri 01 Feb, 2013 8:40 am

Nuts wrote:I think it's more confusion about the exceptions to that 'north-south' rule wander, there seem to be a couple of inconsistencies.

stepbystep wrote: due to the banter and helpful advice on this forum. I'm sure I'm guilty of this

Ahhh!!! It was you!! why do people feel the need to be so damn helpful!! :)

I'm more of a banterer than a helper, and you know it! :wink:
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Re: Travelling South North during the season

Postby Stibb » Fri 01 Feb, 2013 9:50 am

stepbystep wrote:I would also say if you are doing a traditional route stay away from the 'nodes' including Pelion, there are heaps of excellent off track camping options.

That seems easy enough and good advise but you still have to walk in the "wrong" direction. A potentially not-so-friendly ranger might be hard to convince that you're staying away from the nodes at night..

IMO the easiest solution would be to charge for staying in the huts and perhaps on the tent platforms. For those who don't want to use the facilities, camp somewhere else. No second guessing, easier to control and the money will still come in.

wander wrote:And really it is no different to the situation in Hobart where most of the streets are one way. It is a natural progression.

That is NOT progression. It's the most stupid, frustrating and time wasting thing ever.
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Re: Travelling South North during the season

Postby forest » Fri 01 Feb, 2013 10:35 am

Stibb wrote:IMO the easiest solution would be to charge for staying in the huts and perhaps on the tent platforms. For those who don't want to use the facilities, camp somewhere else. No second guessing, easier to control and the money will still come in.

I can only agree with that statement. I know it's been round the traps time and time again but it works in NZ, no reason why it wouldn't work for the OT.
Sadly if they haven't cottoned onto it yet I don't think it willl ever happen.

There, It's out. I said it, Ahh I feel better now :lol:
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Re: Travelling South North during the season

Postby Nuts » Fri 01 Feb, 2013 11:09 am

There would need to be track rangers at each hut. 5 instead of 2 at any given time (is that another $100 for the OLT fee if using all the huts..If the income stream for ad-hoc booking is different from that current how does a reliable fly-out system for the poo get funded (i'd imagine the next biggest expense outside wages)). The huts would need to be paid for in advance to avoid double booking, consequently it would be difficult to scrap the Nth> Sth thing?

(not saying NZ model couldn't work just a few immediate thoughts)
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Re: Travelling South North during the season

Postby Stibb » Fri 01 Feb, 2013 11:44 am

Not sure you would have to book a specific hut. Those who will do the OLT pay the extra fee and they are free to use the huts/tent platforms. Double booking or not, as I understand it the huts can get very crowded as it is now and that might not change. People seems to survive this somehow. If you only have a specific number of walkers starting each day I can't see how it would be worse than today. Even with two starting points (north and south) I think it would be better than now. Isn't Pelion the largest hut and about halfway from both sides? Yeah, anyway, doesn't seem like this is ever gonna happen. More restrictions and higher fees for everyone is the way to go apparently
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Re: Travelling South North during the season

Postby doogs » Fri 01 Feb, 2013 1:44 pm

What problem?? I am sure if you politely explain your plans to a ranger about using the track to access more remote areas they would understand that you are not trying to rort the OLT track fees and let go on your way. As for the case mentioned at the start of the thread It would be nice to hear the rangers side of the story instead of a second hand telling from the other persons perspective. Generally people get angry when they have reason to be, and I have found that park rangers tend to like their jobs which makes it more unlikely that they lost their temper. I am sure someone must have upset them.
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Re: Travelling South North during the season

Postby mjdalessa » Fri 01 Feb, 2013 1:58 pm

corvus wrote:question is how can our stretched Police Force be used to check us out at the end of a possible alternate walk ( at the start/finish of the Lees,Arm,M17 ,Moses ,Jacksons et all ) to apprehend us (boom gate on Mersey Forest Road :?: )

An extensive cctv network is going to be installed and monitored with taxpayers money, then you'll just receive a house call. :D
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Re: Travelling South North during the season

Postby Mafeking09 » Fri 26 Apr, 2013 1:10 pm

We just finished our trip from Never Never to Kia Ora and a climb of East Pelion. Are we "illegals"?

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Re: Travelling South North during the season

Postby Ando » Thu 17 Oct, 2013 8:30 pm

I agree with Corvus your not obliged to give anyone your name or personal details ,I don't do legal only lawful any matter legal is just statutes and acts you don't have to consent to them ,legal is just commerce I'm sure no one has sighed a contract to parks therefore binding them ,basically claim your sovereignty as a Freeman on the land and politely tell them to &$?! Off and be on your way easy
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Re: Travelling South North during the season

Postby ILUVSWTAS » Fri 18 Oct, 2013 7:41 am

mjdalessa wrote:
corvus wrote:question is how can our stretched Police Force be used to check us out at the end of a possible alternate walk ( at the start/finish of the Lees,Arm,M17 ,Moses ,Jacksons et all ) to apprehend us (boom gate on Mersey Forest Road :?: )

An extensive cctv network is going to be installed and monitored with taxpayers money, then you'll just receive a house call. :D

Lol, if they do this i'll make a point to target the systems.
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Re: Travelling South North during the season

Postby theoldretiredbloke » Sat 19 Oct, 2013 12:23 pm

HI there all.
I have read a previous entry in relation to the conditions of non paying walkers.

The entry states that you are allowed to walk " Arm River => Pelion (O/N) => Arm River (day walks to Ossa, Pelion East, Pelion
West, Oakleigh).

OK, so I might be a old bloke and have lost most or my marbles does this mean that I can or can not walk in from the Arm River Track stay at Pelion for a few days to do Mt Ossa, West Pelion and just have a look around so long as I do not go more than one node. It states (O/N)

Or am I only allowed to stay one night at Pelion then have to go back on the Arm River Track.

Just asking.
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Re: Travelling South North during the season

Postby tasadam » Sun 20 Oct, 2013 7:03 am

theoldretiredbloke wrote:HI there all.
I have read a previous entry in relation to the conditions of non paying walkers.

The entry states that you are allowed to walk " Arm River => Pelion (O/N) => Arm River (day walks to Ossa, Pelion East, Pelion
West, Oakleigh).

OK, so I might be a old bloke and have lost most or my marbles does this mean that I can or can not walk in from the Arm River Track stay at Pelion for a few days to do Mt Ossa, West Pelion and just have a look around so long as I do not go more than one node. It states (O/N)

Or am I only allowed to stay one night at Pelion then have to go back on the Arm River Track.

Just asking.

I would look for your answer in this post viewtopic.php?p=175062#p175062
Or point ii of this post viewtopic.php?p=177545#p177545 (emphasis of the "day walks" not "day walk")

Or PM tastrax and ask him nicely for a clarification. He's the one that started this Overland Track Day Use topic.
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