wearthefoxhat wrote:As you have clearly shown poachers are already hunting in NP's illegally . This will continue no matter what.
How will it? They can pick up a license after answering 30 questions in an open book exam and voila! they're no longer illegal hunters. They are still complete failures as human beings, of course.
wearthefoxhat wrote:Legitimate hunters hate these criminals as much as you do and legitimate hunters are actively involved helping police catch them...
They'll still have the ute, the beer, the guns and the ammo. Now they'll have a license. What possible difference could that make?
wearthefoxhat wrote:I am interested ???What did you do? Did you call the police? did you take details?. I am interested to know what you did about this being it is your social responsibility after all.
Are you mad? I told you, I cowered in my tent, and I'd do it again. Drunken hoons with guns ... and I'm going to do what exactly? Face 'em down? Nah, I've stared down a couple of gun barrels in my time, and it's not a pleasant experience.
Since you're suggesting I should face armed criminals, I wonder if you'd offer your opinion on something like
http://www.packrifle.com/ as an every day carry for National Park bushwalking in the possible presence of criminals? I realise it's a popgun, but it's also light, and you assure me that the risks are low. I wouldn't upgrade to something with a magazine unless the hunting population increased.
wearthefoxhat wrote:How many people did these poachers hurt or kill on this particular night of terror? did they shoot anyone?
Not as far as I know. As far as I know they didn't shoot any feral animals either.
wearthefoxhat wrote:As for the rest of your post I suggest you go over my previous posts as it is covering old ground and I can't be bothered repeating my self.
I must have missed the post where you explained why the general public should pay for the recreation of hunters, and where it's not simply the hunters being selfish.