Only when the last tree has died

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Only when the last tree has died

Postby geoskid » Tue 05 Mar, 2013 1:02 pm

Only when the last tree has died
And the last river been poisoned
And the last fish caught
Will man realize we cannot eat money......

There's so much wrong with this but I don't want to be picky. :) It seems defeatist and incomplete.
So lets mess with it and see what we can come up with. After all, we are not at that stage yet.

Like this :

.....and wish they had remained Hunter Gatherers.


......and wish they had done something about population growth
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Re: Only when the last tree has died

Postby tasadam » Tue 05 Mar, 2013 2:23 pm

If you follow the sun, you will not see the shadows... (a line from a song by "Nomad" that I like).
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Re: Only when the last tree has died

Postby doogs » Tue 05 Mar, 2013 2:31 pm

...well we can it's just not much fun picking it out of your poop.
or. I am off to buy a Canadian with a thyroid problem.
Do you want to build a snowman?
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Re: Only when the last tree has died

Postby Hallu » Tue 05 Mar, 2013 2:51 pm

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Re: Only when the last tree has died

Postby geoskid » Tue 05 Mar, 2013 6:11 pm

tasadam wrote:If you follow the sun, you will not see the shadows... (a line from a song by "Nomad" that I like).

I like it. :) I think this is what humans mostly do. However, it doesn't make the shadows go away.
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Re: Only when the last tree has died

Postby corvus » Tue 05 Mar, 2013 8:03 pm

Beware of the Man who casts no shadow :)
I think it reads better like this
Caveo vir ut iacio haud umbra.
Only just remembered that an umbra was a shadow thanks to my daily crossword puzzles :lol:
collige virgo rosas
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Re: Only when the last tree has died

Postby Swifty » Tue 19 Mar, 2013 9:28 pm

corvus wrote:Caveo vir ut iacio haud umbra.

???? "I, a man, beware as i, a shadow, cast not at all". Few problems there, corve! imperative plus accusative plus adjectival pronoun plus third person present singular indicative active plus "haud" plus accusative, i.e:

cave virum qui iacet haud umbram

Lesson over. :D
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Re: Only when the last tree has died

Postby corvus » Wed 20 Mar, 2013 8:12 pm

Swifty wrote:
corvus wrote:Caveo vir ut iacio haud umbra.

???? "I, a man, beware as i, a shadow, cast not at all". Few problems there, corve! imperative plus accusative plus adjectival pronoun plus third person present singular indicative active plus "haud" plus accusative, i.e:

cave virum qui iacet haud umbram

Lesson over. :D

Thanks for the lesson Swifty,
It has been nearly 50 years since I had the assistance of my Latin Master so I needed to do some Google teaching and your version does not appear to be totally correct either :D see this ... aud+umbram

I am making an attempt to re learn Latin however it seems a lot more difficult now than way back then at school,must have easier to fill up a fresh empty vessel rather than an overloaded crock eh !! :lol:
collige virgo rosas
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Re: Only when the last tree has died

Postby Swifty » Wed 20 Mar, 2013 8:36 pm

corvus wrote:and your version does not appear to be totally correct either


I am indeed correct. You confuse vis, viris (power) for vir, viri (man). And you have the genetive plural virium anyway. :roll: Cave takes the accusative, or it can take the dative, which would be viro. But using the dative changes the meaning to "take care of", so I didn't use the dative otherwise it would mean "look after the man who casts no shadow". What a silly language!

Second lesson over!

cave sibi,

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Re: Only when the last tree has died

Postby Nuts » Thu 21 Mar, 2013 5:49 am

'look after' might make more sense than 'beware'?
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Re: Only when the last tree has died

Postby photohiker » Thu 21 Mar, 2013 7:51 am

I can recall two things about my Latin schooling:

1) Amo Amas Amat Amamus Amatus Amant.

2) The soldiers have laid waste the city.

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