ErichFromm wrote: You must be quite the accomplished walker Wildlight - across the governors to mitchells. Not sure I'd have the confidence not to get lost at this point

Hey ErichFromm
I sit and wonder how I did it all. I would end up spending days in places which should have taken just hours to get through. I was so enamoured by it all, so wide-eyed with wonder- I never wanted it to end. (Still like that now).
Unless it was off-track and through thick scrub, it simply wasn't bushwalking! All of this was done solo, with the heaviest gear, I cringe at the thought. There were no mobiles, no-one to call if things went wrong- thank goodness they never did for me. For the last few years I have had serious calls from within to do this again, but the annoyances of life and work seem to take over. Have been from Mitchells to Governors and back via three different routes, all were fun. Walked accross from the Slate Mine to the Governors, then down to Mitchells.
Am at a significant "pivot point" in life, rapid change and shift in mental state are descending upon me quite suddenly- starting to embrace a minimalist thinking.
My plan is to share the lessons learned- and remote area access and notes online for all to benefit from and enjoy. I have been caught up with a couple of massive projects, these are almost complete. Mrs and I ( a massive project in itself lol ) are off to Larapinta again this year despite her declarations of "I am never doing this again" last year. Once we return, I will have a little more free time on my hands, so will work on the pictures and website.
Have been revamping my kit of late, down to less than 10kg with 5 days food and 1 litre of water. This includes all luxury items, camera, tripod, sat phone etc. Believe me, it's been an exercise.
ErichFromm if you ever take that walk from Sheepyard to Eagles Peaks via the direct route, it might be preferable going to Eagles Peaks as opposed to from Eagles Peaks to Sheepyard.
Don't know how far in we'll go past Lickhole Ck this weekend, sometimes the sheer joy of just being in there overrides the schedule.
The Governors are fairly accessible from Mt Darling. If you ever go, watch the return route, it is so very easy to take the wrong spur down off The Governors, because it is more pronounced initially, than the correct one. Walking a little west from the peak of the Governors gives you a great view of Mitchells. There used to be tree up there, on the Governors, I called it the "water tree". During anything more than light rain, water would flow down the primary arms off the tree, and cascade forth off the main trunk, so conveniently, one could place a billy on the ground, and in no time have it filled. This was great- as you can probably gather, it's waterless up there. So it made extended stays more comfortable.
Safe Steps