For sale: Evernew stove and pot set [VIC Melb]

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For sale: Evernew stove and pot set [VIC Melb]

Postby MicheleK » Mon 06 May, 2013 3:14 pm

I have an Evernew Titanium cookset called the 'Solo Set' for sale. I would prefer to sell this as a lot and not break it up.

In the package is (all are Evernew brand):
Titanium Evernew Alcohol Stove
Titanium DX Windshield and Wood Stove Stand
titanium Trivet Cross Stand
Solo Titanium Cookset

This was bought as a set from the UK for $160.

The set was used twice as a demo test indoors. It has never been used outside. There is some blackening on the burner and pot. All in original packaging.

Sell for $100, I will pay for postage if you can't pick it up (Heidelberg during BH).

A very nice compact set.
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Re: For sale: Evernew stove and pot set [VIC Melb]

Postby Onestepmore » Tue 07 May, 2013 9:57 am

This set often sells out and can be hard to get from US suppliers.
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Re: For sale: Evernew stove and pot set [VIC Melb]

Postby oyster_07 » Wed 08 May, 2013 1:13 am

I have a very similar one, and can vouch it's merits in performance, construction, and lack of weight. I also agree they can be hard to source.
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Re: For sale: Evernew stove and pot set [VIC Melb]

Postby Davidf61 » Wed 08 May, 2013 9:46 am

Yep I'll have it, e-mail on the way
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