IKEA Tasmania

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IKEA Tasmania

Postby matthias » Mon 27 Apr, 2009 2:49 pm

I know there's no IKEA in Tasmania. As a German immigrant (well, almost) I'm used to having one around the corner in every bigger town. I used to buy everything there, I love their style and don't want to miss it. As far as I know there are about 5 of their stores in Australia, in Germany we had around 40 plus online-shop :cry: . Germans are crazy on them.

Now I'd like to buy a shelf and after a disappointing visit to local furniture stores in Hobart I checked the IKEA Australia website and found exactly what I was looking for. Unfortunately the next store is in Melbourne, I don't have a car and the shelf consists of about 4 single packages and in the end it's pretty heavy, so I can't simply fly to Melbourne and buy it.

Has anyone here ever been in a similar situation? I just heard there is an ad in the Saturday newspaper from someone who collects orders, then drives to Melbourne, buys the stuff and brings it to Tassie. Any other possibilities for Tasmanians to get stuff from them?

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Re: IKEA Tasmania

Postby tasadam » Mon 27 Apr, 2009 2:53 pm

I've got a great idea - why don't you post the link of the item you are looking for - there may be other locations here in Tassie to buy it.
Transporting things to Tasmania from the mainland is always going to be expensive because we are in a minority.
Another option that could be cheaper than you think, is to simply make it. If it is made by Melamine, anyone with a Triton workcentre can whip something up pretty easily.
And it might hold together a bit better than most of the stuff they make too.
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Re: IKEA Tasmania

Postby matthias » Mon 27 Apr, 2009 4:00 pm


That's the one. But I'm really into details when it goes to furniture, so I'm not a big fan of asking someone here to build something similar for me. One of the advantages of a brand like this is simply that it's much easier to sell it when you move houses and maybe don't need it anymore.
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Re: IKEA Tasmania

Postby tas-man » Thu 07 May, 2009 2:27 am

matthias wrote:I know there's no IKEA in Tasmania.
Has anyone here ever been in a similar situation? <SNIP>

Yes, I have been an IKEA enthusiast for over 25 years having been part of the design team for their first Brisbane store back in the 1980's. I have bought a lot of our furniture from them over the years and my kids are now into the habit, so we plan trips to Melbourne where the family flies cheap and I take the family station wagon to be used on the mainland then loaded with IKEA items for the trip back over Bass Strait! Smaller items I have had IKEA post to me, but the larger items such as wardrobes, tables and chairs, beds etc have had to wait for THAT next trip to Melbourne.

There is a FREEDOM store in Hobart that carries some similar items, and we check it out on our Hobart trips. Their website is here http://www.freedomfurniture.com.au/index.html
and their currect catalogue is here http://www.freedomfurniture.com.au/cata ... Hobart.pdf Check out pages 36/37 for their versions of white storage cabinets, they may suit your requirements.
Last edited by tas-man on Sat 09 May, 2009 3:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: IKEA Tasmania

Postby frank_in_oz » Fri 08 May, 2009 2:30 pm

I am the one who suggested Matthias post something here.

I work near the Melbourne store and offered to go and pick up the item he wants and then take it to somewhere or get it picked up from home for shipping / delivery to Hobart.

We / I/ he were wondering what others do in this situation? Is there a good company that has reasonable prices who deviver bulky stuff from the Mainland to Tassie? Very happy to receive a PM suggestion of three!
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Re: IKEA Tasmania

Postby matthias » Sat 09 May, 2009 10:57 am

Hi tas-man,
I can understand your enthusiasm, I would like to live in an Ikea store if I could... :D

Thanks for posting the link to the Freedom Furniture catalogue, actually I walk past their store every day on my way to work, but only recently took the time to go inside, my new favourite store in Hobart.

Looks like I found a nice and cheap shipping solution now with Frank's help.
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Re: IKEA Tasmania

Postby frank_in_oz » Sat 09 May, 2009 5:22 pm

Hey Matthias,
tasadam was the one to take the time and let me know a good freight option....Many thanks to him for taking the time

btw, costs $110 per cubic metre W X H X D
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