by dinna89 » Mon 13 Jan, 2014 9:32 pm
A bit late, but I'm happy to update
We did it in 4 days, only doing the side trips to Lake Will and the waterfalls. I was surprised by how easy the hike was, my experience is mostly in alpine victoria, which I find much tougher, although maybe I was just more fit than I realised.
There was a bit of snow up on the plateau, about shin deep, nothing to worry about, but it did keep the shoes cold and wet.
There were a heap of people hiking as it was the last week of the free season, including a few school groups, one of which had an obnoxious leader who was braggy and fairly intolerable, and his school group monopolised the cabin at Windermere.
The weather was mostly good, copped a bit of snow/rain on day three (Pelion-Windy Ridge). There was a massive storm when we were at Windy Ridge, the Narcissus River was well over it's banks, so we were walking in knee deep water for the final several kilometers, and we winded up skipping on the final leg and taking the ferry.
The saddest news of the trip was losing my jetboil, which i misplaced at either Lake St Clair or Derwent Bridge.