Overland in late September/Early october

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Overland in late September/Early october

Postby dinna89 » Thu 05 Sep, 2013 4:09 pm

Hey all,
I'm looking to tackle the overland sometime this year, I've currently got it booked for Christmas. However, I'm getting some pressure from work to take some holidays sooner rather than later, so I thought I might bring the trip forward.
Does anyone have any insight into the snow condition on the track in late September/Early October? I know you need to be prepared for all weather, but does that mean I'll be needing snowshoes at that time of year?
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Re: Overland in late September/Early october

Postby whynotwalk » Thu 05 Sep, 2013 4:23 pm

Hi dinna - a couple of weeks ago, after some good snow falls, I heard of walkers without snowshoes struggling to get through. Since then we've had a warm and dry spell, and my guess is the track would be fine at present, with maybe just a few snowy/icy sections. (Any others with up-dated news from the OT?)

Late September/early October can (of course) bring anything weatherwise. It's a very variable time of year. But I walked it at that time a few years back, and had some warm days, some showery days, and a little sleet while climbing Pelion East (it was nothing to worry about). The longer days are a help too, even if the weather is unpredictable.

Be aware that the booking system starts on October 1, and plan accordingly,


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Re: Overland in late September/Early october

Postby Son of a Beach » Thu 05 Sep, 2013 4:31 pm

The chances of needing snow shoes on the Overland Track are pretty slim, even in mid-winter. However, it can happen - I've used them up there twice. The chances of needing snow shoes in September/October are even slimmer than in winter, but not by much - September is notoriously unstable in Tasmania.

I don't think I'd bother with them at that time of year, unless you got a forecast of heavy snow closer to the time. Otherwise, there is a good chance you'll come across some snow, but unlikely to be terribly deep for any significant distance.
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Re: Overland in late September/Early october

Postby dinna89 » Thu 05 Sep, 2013 5:20 pm

Thanks for the quick replies. I reckon I might give it a go.
Also, how does the one way policy work at the start of the booking season? can I set off in the 'wrong' direction on the 30th Sept, or do I have to have completed the whole track by the beginning of October?
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Re: Overland in late September/Early october

Postby Tantell » Thu 05 Sep, 2013 6:57 pm

My friends and I a planning to go the same time next year (NSW school holidays). We'll be interested to see how you go!
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Re: Overland in late September/Early october

Postby corvus » Thu 05 Sep, 2013 6:59 pm

G'day dinna,
If you want to walk south to north and or avoid the $200.00 fee you will need to complete your walk on or before Sept 30th check this out, http://www.parks.tas.gov.au/index.aspx?base=27902#1
Enjoy your walk.
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Re: Overland in late September/Early october

Postby tibboh » Thu 05 Sep, 2013 6:59 pm

You're more likely to get deep snow in the Cradle area so departing from the north gets the likelihood of bad snow out of the way on day 1, leaving the rest of your trip to compensate if you lose a day. If you depart from the south you may get pinned on the last day if there is a big dump at Cradle........just sayin'
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Re: Overland in late September/Early october

Postby dinna89 » Thu 05 Sep, 2013 8:03 pm

North-south it is!
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Re: Overland in late September/Early october

Postby corvus » Thu 05 Sep, 2013 8:46 pm

You may experience some full school groups at this time of year ,young enthusiastic and boisterous however I my previous experience with them well led and respectful ,just make some huts a bit fuller :lol:
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Re: Overland in late September/Early october

Postby Tantell » Wed 11 Dec, 2013 7:18 am

Hi Dinna, just wondering how you went?

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Re: Overland in late September/Early october

Postby dinna89 » Mon 13 Jan, 2014 9:32 pm

A bit late, but I'm happy to update
We did it in 4 days, only doing the side trips to Lake Will and the waterfalls. I was surprised by how easy the hike was, my experience is mostly in alpine victoria, which I find much tougher, although maybe I was just more fit than I realised.
There was a bit of snow up on the plateau, about shin deep, nothing to worry about, but it did keep the shoes cold and wet.

There were a heap of people hiking as it was the last week of the free season, including a few school groups, one of which had an obnoxious leader who was braggy and fairly intolerable, and his school group monopolised the cabin at Windermere.
The weather was mostly good, copped a bit of snow/rain on day three (Pelion-Windy Ridge). There was a massive storm when we were at Windy Ridge, the Narcissus River was well over it's banks, so we were walking in knee deep water for the final several kilometers, and we winded up skipping on the final leg and taking the ferry.

The saddest news of the trip was losing my jetboil, which i misplaced at either Lake St Clair or Derwent Bridge.
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