Mt Sorrow, Walsh's Pyramid and Clump Mt NP

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Mt Sorrow, Walsh's Pyramid and Clump Mt NP

Postby naturelover » Mon 14 Oct, 2013 11:44 am

After Bartle Frere, we were in the mood for more mountains, so added Mt Sorrow, Walsh's pyramid (definitely the best views of the lot) and Bicton Hill in Clump Mountain reserve near Mission Beach (the last one, 8 times). For a fuller report and pictures, see

I sure would have loved a pad up the point of Cape Trib, as the notes indicate. My attempt to forge a way through the tangled mass was unsuccessful - and I was not in battle gear which would have been appropriate. Perhaps if I were more suitably clad it would have been better but I was on holidays, and in crop top and shorts, and it was not a goer.
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Athrotaxis cupressoides
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Re: Mt Sorrow, Walsh's Pyramid and Clump Mt NP

Postby sandym » Sat 19 Oct, 2013 7:02 pm

I enjoyed your blog - awesome photos. Can I ask a stupid question - where is Mt Sorrow?
Phyllocladus aspleniifolius
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Re: Mt Sorrow, Walsh's Pyramid and Clump Mt NP

Postby naturelover » Sun 20 Oct, 2013 6:33 pm

Hi. Thanks for the comments. Glad you enjoyed the blog. If you travel up to Cape Tribulation, you'll see Mt Sorrow leering at you from above, and slightly to the north. If you then drive past where the sealed rd ends and keep a very careful look out, after a very short time there is room to deposit a car on the right, and the track itself, with a sign all but obliterated by the huge amounts of dust stirred up by the 4WDs that careen along the road, leads off through the dust to the left. Fortunately the dust is left behind pretty quickly, but you'll smell it long before you see the road on your way back down. It's a great mountain. You can climb over the lookout railing and go a bit further to a big rock if you will, but most are happy enough to see the excellent vista to the south from the lookout.
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Athrotaxis cupressoides
Athrotaxis cupressoides
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Re: Mt Sorrow, Walsh's Pyramid and Clump Mt NP

Postby Tuna » Sat 20 Sep, 2014 2:37 pm

naturelover your blog and photos of your family and your missions and your spirit is beautiful and I take my hat off to you. Thank you for sharing this.
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