G'day folks,
I've had a number of people email me recently to check whether particular canyons are open, in light of the extensive bushfires late last year (not to mention a current fire still burning in the northern Wollemi).
I've also noticed people organising trips to various canyons without realising they are closed, which at best forces a last minute change of plans, or at worst can get people into some serious legal trouble...
As a result I've pulled together the latest list of canyon closures for the greater Blue Mountains area. I'm aiming to keep it as up to date as possible so that it is a useful resource. You can find it here: http://fatcanyoners.org/canyon-closures/
Finally, if there's any that I've left off, or a lack of clarity on a particular area, please let me know so I can fix it.
P.S. I've already had a few cheeky people suggest I should have produced a list of canyons that are currently open, as that'd almost be shorter!