when I win......

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when I win......

Postby the_camera_poser » Tue 30 Jun, 2009 7:28 pm

When I win I'm going to hire a trappist monk to carry my pack for me. $90,000,000 will let me do that........

Re: when I win......

Postby flyfisher » Tue 30 Jun, 2009 7:36 pm

Hey T-C-P , If I win I'll give you a million if you give me a million if you win. I've got a 24 game ticket for $90,000,000.

Good deal eh.

If you don't know what I'm talking about, then you need to drink more.
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Re: when I win......

Postby north-north-west » Tue 30 Jun, 2009 7:57 pm

I will buy Barnoolut Station, near Mount Gambier. Possibly the Kilsby's and Ashby's places too. Kick off all the animals and start a massive reforestation program.
I'd be able to dive Blacks, 1080, Kilsby's and The Shaft whenever I wanted. *sigh*
Although I'd be too busy bushwalking ( especially in Tasmania) to make the most of it.
And then there's the cameras . . . just think of all the lovely cameras and lenses and filters and things all that money would buy . . . and a strong (handsome, young) sherpa to carry it all around for me . . .
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Re: when I win......

Postby Son of a Beach » Tue 30 Jun, 2009 8:08 pm

scavenger wrote:a strong (handsome, young) sherpa to carry it all around for me . . .

If I don't win (and chances are even slimmer than you guys, since I've no ticket), I'd be happy to be a sherpa, if it means being well paid by somebody who did win, and I get to go bushwalking lots. :-)

I don't think I'll meet all the criteria though. (Setting myself up here, I know).
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Re: when I win......

Postby north-north-west » Tue 30 Jun, 2009 8:16 pm

Strong and willing are more important than looks. At least you're lightly built, I like that in a man. :wink:
But, like one or two others here, you're a bit too married (with kids) for me.
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Re: when I win......

Postby Son of a Beach » Tue 30 Jun, 2009 8:32 pm

well, if you're after a sherpa to spend your millions on, let me know. If you're after more than that, then yes, I'm very much too married for that. :-) I'm merely after loads of money in return for going bushwalking.
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Re: when I win......

Postby north-north-west » Tue 30 Jun, 2009 8:36 pm

Contingencies, Nik, contingencies.
I mean, if one of us got badly hypothermic, you know the best treatment is into a sleeping bag with a warm sweaty body and, well, sometimes one thing can lead to another. 'Tis always best to be prepared for these possibilities.

But, that aside, if ever I'm in need of a pack-hauler down in Tassie, and Mike's not available, I'll give you a buzz.
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Re: when I win......

Postby Son of a Beach » Tue 30 Jun, 2009 8:45 pm

Yes, it's good to plan ahead. :-D
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Re: when I win......

Postby the_camera_poser » Tue 30 Jun, 2009 8:45 pm

flyfisher wrote:Hey T-C-P , If I win I'll give you a million if you give me a million if you win. I've got a 24 game ticket for $90,000,000.

Good deal eh.



Re: when I win......

Postby tasadam » Tue 30 Jun, 2009 8:52 pm

So what time is the draw? I never worry about these things til I go in to check the ticket...
I can imagine myself blowing way too much money to buy and lock up bits of land that are needed for a certain proposed project, rhymes with gulp hill

Finding a way to run a conservation business where as much land as possible can be regenerated to native and locked up, I reckon that would do it.
And maybe a helicopter... so I could film how much is really going on in our forests and make it public.
Then, perhaps, go into hiding... :wink:
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Re: when I win......

Postby the_camera_poser » Tue 30 Jun, 2009 8:53 pm

tasadam wrote:So what time is the draw? I never worry about these things til I go in to check the ticket...
I can imagine myself blowing way too much money to buy and lock up bits of land that are needed for a certain proposed project, rhymes with gulp hill

Finding a way to run a conservation business where as much land as possible can be regenerated to native and locked up, I reckon that would do it.
And maybe a helicopter... so I could film how much is really going on in our forests and make it public.
Then, perhaps, go into hiding... :wink:

That's exactly what Helen and I decided we'll do. First to be purchased- Vale of Belvoir!

Re: when I win......

Postby tasadam » Tue 30 Jun, 2009 9:01 pm

the_camera_poser wrote:That's exactly what Helen and I decided we'll do. First to be purchased- Vale of Belvoir!

I hear that can be saved for only half a mil.
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Re: when I win......

Postby the_camera_poser » Tue 30 Jun, 2009 9:23 pm

oh well, guess I'll have to carry my own stuff.

Re: when I win......

Postby flyfisher » Tue 30 Jun, 2009 9:51 pm

the_camera_poser wrote:oh well, guess I'll have to carry my own stuff.

Yeah, me too but there's always next week :D

If you don't know what I'm talking about, then you need to drink more.
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Re: when I win......

Postby tasadam » Tue 30 Jun, 2009 10:05 pm

And I was thinking of joining in with you guys... I might have blown 2 mil... 8)
Course, I haven't checked yet... And if I did get that lucky I don't think I'd announce it here! :wink:
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Re: when I win......

Postby Taurë-rana » Tue 30 Jun, 2009 10:45 pm

For $90mil you could probably buy all the land leased to forestry companies, or maybe you could persuade the politicians to come round to your way of thinking. Seems to work for anyone else with plenty of money to splash around.
Seems to me that there's a good chance that even if you have the numbers you'll be sharing the money with lots of other people.
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Re: when I win......

Postby flyfisher » Wed 01 Jul, 2009 6:17 am

2 winners @ $53,000,000 each . :shock: :shock: :shock:

And I'm not one of them. :cry: :cry: :cry:

If you don't know what I'm talking about, then you need to drink more.
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