GPSGuided wrote:Finally understood the context of Abbott's speech. It's all for the Tasmanian state election. Yes, any price for that few extra votes. That's all.
GPSGuided wrote:Finally understood the context of Abbott's speech. It's all for the Tasmanian state election. Yes, any price for that few extra votes. That's all.
Nuts wrote:...about-to-vote Tasmanians!
maddog wrote:Resist the Green Dragon:
On December 2, 2009, the Cornwall Alliance issued a statement called "An Evangelical Declaration on Global Warming", in which they declare,
We believe Earth and its ecosystems – created by God’s intelligent design and infinite power and sustained by His faithful providence – are robust, resilient, self-regulating, and self-correcting, admirably suited for human flourishing, and displaying His glory. Earth’s climate system is no exception. Recent global warming is one of many natural cycles of warming and cooling in geologic history.
photohiker wrote:maddog wrote:Resist the Green Dragon:
Brought to you by: The Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of CreationOn December 2, 2009, the Cornwall Alliance issued a statement called "An Evangelical Declaration on Global Warming", in which they declare,
We believe Earth and its ecosystems – created by God’s intelligent design and infinite power and sustained by His faithful providence – are robust, resilient, self-regulating, and self-correcting, admirably suited for human flourishing, and displaying His glory. Earth’s climate system is no exception. Recent global warming is one of many natural cycles of warming and cooling in geologic history.
maddog wrote:GPSGuided wrote:Finally understood the context of Abbott's speech. It's all for the Tasmanian state election. Yes, any price for that few extra votes. That's all.
G'day GPS,
Your analysis of the situation is nonsensical. Tasmania just doesn't register in the greater scheme of things. This is part of a wider cultural war. Realise that right wing religious conservatives instinctively distrust environmentalism, which they consider an embryonic form of religion. George Pell fears 'pagan emptiness' and its influence. Michael Crichton, in the essay 'Environmentalism as Religion', puts the case well: ... talism.pdf
John Howard gave us the 'history wars', which focused on the 'black-armband' view of history that had become popular at the time. He sought to balance the education of our children with a patriotic story. This war will be fought over environment issues and the story that surrounds them. At present we commonly see environmental problems as being anthropogenic in nature, the aim is to change this story. The religious right wish us to see only glory in God's creation. Prime Minister Abbott in the forestry speech:
Man and the environment are meant for each other. The last thing we do – the last thing we should want – if we want to genuinely improve our environment is to want to ban men and women from enjoying it, is to ban men and women from making the most of it and that’s what you do. You intelligently make the most of the good things that God has given us.
Now consider the governments record since the 7 September 2013. Initatives include:
1. Axing the Climate Commission. ... 2u185.html
2. Neglect to appoint a science minister. ... 6720375674
3. Consult Wikipedia on climate issues. ... 2w1w5.html
4. Put broom through the department of environment and transfer powers to the states. ... l-environm
5. Cut funding for the EDO. ... 2zj2z.html
6. Announce support for CSG industry. ... 2ufja.html
7. Dredging spoils to dumped on the Great Barrier Reef. ... 32xtf.html
8. Threaten to pursue costs against Greenpeace activist arrested in Russia. ... st/5187238
9. Support the culling of sharks in WA. ... 315zk.html
10. Push to de-list World Heritage area in Tasmania. ... 31qy6.html
11. Support grazing in national parks: ... 348do.html
Notice a pattern?
maddog wrote:Resist the Green Dragon:
Son of a Beach wrote: Wait, what was this topic about?
maddog wrote:Resist the Green Dragon:
maddog wrote:'Environmentalism as Religion' by Joel Garreau is well worth a read. The essay concludes with a question:
In the years ahead, we will see whether the supposedly scientific debates over the environment can really be conducted by fact and reason alone, or whether necessary change, whatever that may turn out be, will require some new Reformation. For if environmental matters really have become matters of faith — if environmentalism has become a new front in the longstanding culture wars — then what place is left for the crucial function of pragmatic, democratic decision-making?
north-north-west wrote:Fact and reason are not the same as pragmatism and democracy. In fact, sometimes they're mutually exclusive.
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