Hi all!
First actual 'bushwalking' post now!
I was wondering if anyone's ever done a walk on/around Hellcat Throne, possibly even follow the gully down to Jenolan River and/or the ford on Moorara Boss? Has anyone ever gone off Black Range to Hellcat Throne, or possibly off Mt Warlock down Diable Creek gully? I know the usual route is down the Biddy's Crk. ridgeline track but I'm keen to stick my beak at Hellcat Throne. While the weather is good this next week I was thinking of going for a look with a mate [both of us experienced bushwalkers and abseilers with own gear, EPIRB, GPS, etc.]. I don't mind if I've got some abseils/canyoning to do, that's not an issue.
Having a look at Hellcat ridge on maps and satellite, it looks mean going so if we can't get down the ridge we might canyon down the gully. Any info would be much appreciated!
Cheers and happy tramping!