Grizzly Man and Into The Wild

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Re: Grizzly Man and Into The Wild

Postby Ent » Wed 05 Aug, 2009 8:59 am

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Re: Grizzly Man and Into The Wild

Postby the_camera_poser » Wed 05 Aug, 2009 7:12 pm

I'm like one of those stinky rotten meat lilies.

Re: Grizzly Man and Into The Wild

Postby corvus » Wed 05 Aug, 2009 7:53 pm

At least you are not the "death lilly" :lol:
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Re: Grizzly Man and Into The Wild

Postby sml_12 » Wed 05 Aug, 2009 8:34 pm

An Amorphophallus???? Really????? I've always wanted to see one of those!
Well I assume that means I'll recognise you if we ever meet on the track one day TCP... I'll smell you coming.
I think there's actually a corpse lilly in the Sydney Botanical Gardens..
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Re: Grizzly Man and Into The Wild

Postby NickD » Sat 15 Aug, 2009 3:56 pm

In regards to Joel's posts.

- Restrictions on acess for certain users is wrong I agree. Who are we (or they) to decide who ventures and who does not. I've met some people who've never bushwalked before and are very capable of putting together trips, navigating etc. I've also seen experienced 10 year bushwalkers making moves which make me shudder with nerves on what will eventually happen to them.

However bushwalking is an honour, not a privilidge. So therefore I am not against WHOLE restrictions on areas for rehabilitation, I do favour here, a certain body/organisation (eg. Parks) having control on areas in this case.

- In regards to Kilamanjaro, first of all let me say I have never been. But I'd be quite suprised to believe that it is beyond anything in Tasmania. Now this is no official rating, but going by World Expeditions ratings in their catalogue, Kilamanjaro I believe was around a 6/10. Western Arthur's is rated at an 8/10. However this is just one companys rating. (I Also might be wrong on Kili's rating, don't quote me). Whilst high altitude can be extremely difficult prospect, if proper acclimitization is sucsessful, an ascent with daypacks to me doesn't sound too daunting. The Western Arthur's however, even with guided you'd be required to carry 20kg+. And the Western Arthur's is by no means our toughest challenge in this state.
So I can see Alliecat's point, it doesn't sound to me (my opinon) like an ascent by four ladies would make for a particularly riveting show. (Unless it was charity or something, that would deserve exposure).
But, to some people, such as those who aren't particularly adventurous, the idea of four suburban ladies tackling a near 6000m peak would seem quite exciting. Just because it doesn't appeal to us, and it annoys us, doesn't mean its not worth shooting for those who might benefit and get some motivation from it. My two cents. not really neccessary i guess, but meh.
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Re: Grizzly Man and Into The Wild

Postby flyfisher » Sat 15 Aug, 2009 6:55 pm

Joel says "read Greg French's books---Frog call and Artifical.

I agree but I think Frogcall is the better read.

I can't say I agree with restrictions on who can visit certain areas unless for short re-hab periods.
Certain areas in the Western Lakes area were to have draconian restrictions placed on them with regard to visitor nights.
Almost makes you think they have a personal agenda at times.
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Re: Grizzly Man and Into The Wild

Postby BarryJ » Sat 15 Aug, 2009 7:07 pm

flyfisher wrote:Joel says "read Greg French's books---Frog call and Artifical.

I agree but I think Frogcall is the better read.

I can't say I agree with restrictions on who can visit certain areas unless for short re-hab periods.
Certain areas in the Western Lakes area were to have draconian restrictions placed on them with regard to visitor nights.
Almost makes you think they have a personal agenda at times.

I wholeheartedly agree re "Frog Call" being the better book. I also fully support Greg's attitude/approach to the wilderness - "use it or lose it!"
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Re: Grizzly Man and Into The Wild

Postby climberman » Sat 15 Aug, 2009 8:16 pm

Very against needing a licence to go into the wilderness. It is one of the last areas we are free to make our own mistakes, and be force to live with them.
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Re: Grizzly Man and Into The Wild

Postby climberman » Sat 15 Aug, 2009 8:18 pm

Frog call rocks. Artificial is nice, but Frog Call really hits it.
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Re: Grizzly Man and Into The Wild

Postby flyfisher » Sat 15 Aug, 2009 10:08 pm

climberman wrote:Very against needing a licence to go into the wilderness. It is one of the last areas we are free to make our own mistakes, and be force to live with them.

I wholeheartedly agree re "Frog Call" being the better book. I also fully support Greg's attitude/approach to the wilderness - "use it or lose it

In regards to Joel's posts.

- Restrictions on acess for certain users is wrong I agree. Who are we (or they) to decide who ventures and who does not

Restrictions for the sake of control. :shock: :twisted: :twisted:
If you don't know what I'm talking about, then you need to drink more.
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Re: Grizzly Man and Into The Wild

Postby Joel » Sun 16 Aug, 2009 12:49 pm

Jeez guys - that was over a year ago that I wrote that post and I was in an angry mood at the time. In regards to Kili , I guess it just depends on which route you take up. Some are easy and some are hard and dangerous.
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