Found Aarn balance pockets.

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Found Aarn balance pockets.

Postby TwigandBerries » Thu 27 Nov, 2014 8:10 am

Found in Dibbins hut Victoria, a pair of Aarn balance pockets.
If anyone knows of the owner please message me.
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Re: Found Aarn balance pockets.

Postby walkon » Thu 27 Nov, 2014 9:49 am

Lol, were they empty or did the pockets have something in them. While I can see that the pockets aren't for everyone, it's pricey to leave them behind
Cheers Walkon

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Phyllocladus aspleniifolius
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Re: Found Aarn balance pockets.

Postby Wolfix » Wed 04 Feb, 2015 4:46 pm

Have you found an owner or are you ready to consider finding them a new forever home? I need bigger balance pockets for my Effortless Rhythm so I'm interested in these if they are still unclaimed, dependent on the model.
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