advise please re overland

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advise please re overland

Postby turtle » Fri 07 Aug, 2009 4:48 pm

I haven't been to Tassie in Winter and have never done the Overland which I would love to do. However the best chance I am going to get for some time is a week in early September.

Certainly can't manage the full walk, but looking at maps etc. would walking to Narcissus Hut round Lake St Clair and then on to Bert Nichols Hut and back be a problem for a crazy old women (son's term of endearment)? Are the tracks quite clear at this time of year, or lots of wash outs? Would there be snow around the B N Hut? Forgotten what height B N Hut was but is it a gradual gradient or are there "tough spots"?

I will be by myself but carry a beacon thingy. Can't remember the letters for it. Or am I being a woss and this is an easy walk?
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Re: advise please re overland

Postby kramster » Fri 07 Aug, 2009 4:57 pm

Hi turtle
The walk you describe would be easy in terms of finding your way. There is some gentle up-and-down along the lake and up to BN-Hut, but nothing too nasty. The Lake is fairly long + drawn out (probably 5-6 hrs to get to Narcissus), but mostly through gum, then myrtle rainforest (which is really quite pretty). Echo Pt is a nice place to stop also (about 2/3 of the way up the lake). 3 hrs easy walk to BN from Narcissus. You could consider catching the ferry one direction on the lake if pushed for time.
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Re: advise please re overland

Postby corvus » Fri 07 Aug, 2009 9:04 pm

G'day turtle,
Nothing is easy when bushwalking in Tasmania as our weather unfortunatly can give you 4 seasons in one day :shock: however having said that what a wonderfull walk you have chosen St Clair via Echo Point, Narcissus, Bert Nichols hut and back.
You should not experience any real Snow in that area and as mentioned before the track to BN is only just undulating ,good on you for taking a PLB just in case you decide to go off track who knows :)
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Re: advise please re overland

Postby turtle » Sat 08 Aug, 2009 8:35 am

Thanks for the replies. Sounds like me. Really really hoping can get week off to do walk. Good forum. Sounds like you have a lot of fun. Happy wanderings. Turtle
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Re: advise please re overland

Postby norts » Sat 08 Aug, 2009 9:35 am

I would think that walking around lake St Clair one way would be enough. Think about the ferry one way. It is a nice walk but not one of the most scenic. if you like rain forest its nice but if you want to see mountains it is very limited. Most people walking the O/land track take the ferry, rather than walking around the lake, have to ask yourself why? Pn my 8 trips on the O/land track I have walked the lake 5 times and the other 3 via Cuvier. Have used the ferry to access Pine valley and the ferry ride gives some good views.
For a first time o/night walk in Tasmania it is not a hard walk.

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Re: advise please re overland

Postby turtle » Sat 08 Aug, 2009 10:19 am

OK So if I take ferry, can you tell me please what is the leg like from B N up to Kia Ora? Is it Ok still to walk the track backwards this time of year? I want to fly into Hobart because I love the deli near the casino and intend to stock up and basically eat myself silly on salmon and assorted goodies. Probably spend a night or 2 at Lake St Clair to do so. Hmmm salmon.
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Re: advise please re overland

Postby norts » Sat 08 Aug, 2009 10:45 am

There is a climb up to Ducane Gap. and back down Kiaora and BN are at about the same altitude. There are a couple of side trips in this section, Dalton , Ferguson and Hartnett Falls. Great views of Cathedral, Ossa and the Ducanes from Kiaora.
The track is probably better maintained than the Lake circuit as there are more walkers using it.
Remember by going into Kiaora you are going to be in a more remote area.
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Re: advise please re overland

Postby Fizzygood » Sat 08 Aug, 2009 11:51 am

Hi Turtle,

I too will will be out there shortly... it is a fantastic part of tassie and the snow adds a whole new dimension...

A word of slight caution however... if the car park at Lake St Clair looks like this, the walk in may not be as straight forward as you might be anticipating... To enter the highlands alone in winter you need to be comfortable will harsh conditions and have experience with good quality 4 season gear...

Prepare well, be safe and have fun!

Cheers, Erin
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Re: advise please re overland

Postby turtle » Sat 08 Aug, 2009 12:06 pm

Very pretty. If it looks like this down the bottom I promise I won't be going up. My sense of adventure for an old chock is pretty high but not suicidal. Would probably just settle in at Lake St Clair with salmon and a bottle or two of something nice. Thanks for info an side trips. Will know next week if I get time off so crossing fingers.
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Re: advise please re overland

Postby Steve73 » Tue 11 Aug, 2009 12:41 pm

I hate to be a wet blanket here, but my wife and I did the OLT in May and found the sections you're thinking of doing as quite boring. In saying that it really depends on what kind of scenery you like. We prefer hiking through open plains and alpine/back country. For this reason we absolutely loved the first half (going North to South) but got a bit bored with the second half.

But, if you like hiking through bush/rainforest type country then you will love it and have a great time.
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Re: advise please re overland

Postby tasadam » Wed 12 Aug, 2009 8:18 am

The deli near the casino as you call it is Lipscombe Larder, and can be found here.

If that sort of thing appeals to you, I highly recommend also visiting the Hill Street Grocer, found here.

And while you're in Hobart, if you want a great coffee, have a look at Villino (map here).

Enjoy your walk, I'm sure you will.
B N hut to Kia Ora means going up over DuCane Gap, quite a bit different to the moderately relaxed walking otherwise.
When we walked from Narcissus to Cynthia Bay in June '07, it was a long day for us, mainly because of our cameras being put to heavy use in the amazing rainforest - particularly in the area around the Byron gap turnoff (explore the first hundred metres or so of that track - great rainforest). It was also made long because it was our 9th day, having climbed a few mountains...
Around the lake is a bit undulating around trees, up and down a little, though you never achieve any altitude. You'll probably find it to be quite a lot easier with fresh legs than how we found it.

A flatter option to going B N to Kia Ora would be to go out to Pine Valley - a good track, an interesting area, easy walking (similar to what you have already encountered), and a lovely waterfall when you get there.
Have fun!
And make sure you come and tell us all about it :D
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Re: advise please re overland

Postby turtle » Wed 12 Aug, 2009 1:50 pm

Still don't know if I can get time off.
However may manage to drag my husband out to Lamington on the weekend. For years his excuse for not bushwalking has been his knees - destroyed by dirt bikes. But he has just managed a three week trip on the dirt bike to the cape and this excuse just won't wear it anymore. If he can manage being bashed about on a dirt bike all day, he can manage a few hours gentle wandering round the bush. (And he can certainly spare me for a week to come to Tassie don't you think?)
Have taken all tips on board though and special thank you for the deli addresses. Wasn't sure what to call it - sort of a combo bakery, grocery, everything type shop and Yes I'm sure that's the one.
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Re: advise please re overland

Postby Nuts » Wed 12 Aug, 2009 10:01 pm

tasadam wrote:The deli near the casino as you call it is Lipscombe Larder, and can be found here.

If that sort of thing appeals to you, I highly recommend also visiting the Hill Street Grocer, found here.

And while you're in Hobart, if you want a great coffee, have a look at Villino (map here).


Did you say you were only 60 odd kg's? :D
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Re: advise please re overland

Postby turtle » Thu 13 Aug, 2009 10:36 am

I was once - a very long time ago, back in the day when the bushwalking evened out the liking of good food. Hasn't been even for a while now. Been building up a good "surplus" in case of emergency. That's my story and I'm sticken to it.
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Re: advise please re overland

Postby tasadam » Fri 14 Aug, 2009 12:37 am

Nuts wrote:
tasadam wrote:The deli near the casino as you call it is Lipscombe Larder, and can be found here.

If that sort of thing appeals to you, I highly recommend also visiting the Hill Street Grocer, found here.

And while you're in Hobart, if you want a great coffee, have a look at Villino (map here).


Did you say you were only 60 odd kg's? :D

Quite simply, my friend, Quality over Quantity! 8)
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Re: advise please re overland

Postby turtle » Fri 14 Aug, 2009 9:54 am

No no no. I'm going with "can't get too much of a good thing"
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