Pack hike suggestions?

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Pack hike suggestions?

Postby Orch » Mon 08 Dec, 2014 9:29 am

Hey everyone,

So I want to enlist some of the more ventured of you out there to help me by recommending somewhere for me to go next year. I'm wanting to go on a 3-4 day hike, planning on taking at least 2 other people with me, somewhere with good views and something challenging (I know that most things would probably be challenging to inexperience people, but something that could genuinely be considered an achievement) - I'd really like somewhere that a good "victory" photo could be taken - like sitting on the ledge of a cliff looking out into the view. Example (Grampians I believe) : ... mpians.jpg

I'll be going over the weekend of March 7-9 2015 (adding a day or so either end) This weekend is very important anniversary weekend, so I'd probably also need to plan a contingency event.

I had wanted to go the 10 summit hike in Kosciusko NP but after talking to a number of my friends the 8 hour drive is off putting.

Any advice and input would be greatly appreciated.
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Re: Pack hike suggestions?

Postby Lophophaps » Mon 08 Dec, 2014 10:50 am

Orch, can you please give an idea of the fitness and experience of the people involved? Have you looked at the Howitt region? You can approach either via Mansfield or Gippsland. One that may be possible is the MacDonald-Howitt circuit, although if the party is small you really need a walk finishing at the car and not a major road bash away.

The Snowy Plains have a number of good walks, for example, Moroka Gorge - Snowy Bluff and then back up to the car.

The Fortress in the Grampians would give a good challenge, but you have to be comfortable with scrub and rock.
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Re: Pack hike suggestions?

Postby north-north-west » Mon 08 Dec, 2014 3:07 pm

MacDonald to Howitt would be good, but only practical with a car shuffle and for just three or four people that may be a bit too much of a nuisance. Besides, I'm not sure of the status of the old route up MacDonald's north face, and the circuit isn't really viable otherwise.

Upper Howqua (via Bindaree Rd), Helicopter Spur, Magdala, Howitt, sidetrip out to Speculation, down via Stanley's Name is an excellent circuit. If everyone's up to it.
It's some of the best country in the Victorian Alps and, while a bit of a challenge physically, is sufficiently well-tracked and marked to be doable for a sensible well-prepared group, even with limited experience.

Or there's the Bogong Circuit, which has a number of options with routes and starting points. Given that it incorporates summitting Victoria's highest peak it should give a considerable 'sense of achievement'.
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Re: Pack hike suggestions?

Postby Orch » Mon 08 Dec, 2014 11:24 pm

Lophophaps; I'd be comfortable in saying the group could manage 15k/day average, though I'm not really sure how I'd measure this?

A few of them have a little experience, though the group is mainly day walkers.
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Re: Pack hike suggestions?

Postby Lophophaps » Tue 09 Dec, 2014 8:22 am

NNW, agree. Again I do not have my map with me. There's a nice spot in the saddle on the Bluff, can't recall if there's water, think there may be. It's possible to descend the south slope of the Bluff, coming out near Upper Jamieson Hut.

Orch, it's not just the distance. Consideration must be given to altitude gain and loss, steepness, scrub or track, managing in adverse weather, and maybe if the day of the week ends in "y". Distance can be measured on a map with dividers. Set the dividers at about 800 metre and call this a kilometre; the twists in the track will even this sout. then measure the distance, calling each sweep of the dividers one kilometre.

Another way can be devised. can you give an idea of how long it took for your party to walk from one place to another, and give details? How easy was this? It's all well and good to say that Feathertop was climbed, but what state was the walker at Federation Hut? Thinking of last rites after ten gruelling hours from Harrietville? Fresh after just three hours, ready to push on to Mt Jim for the night? An idea of how people cope on the walks detailed would good.

However, if the group is mainly day walkers you do not want to do anything too dramatic. The Bogong High Plains may be a good place to go in that you can do a circuit from anywhere - Pretty Valley, Dam Wall, Cope Hut. There's a heap of peaks that can be climbed, and if you play it smart many can be bagged with day packs. If the walk or weather become too grim then the former day-trippers can stop while you retrieve the car, or they can walk back. Many options.

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Re: Pack hike suggestions?

Postby north-north-west » Tue 09 Dec, 2014 2:13 pm

Lophophaps wrote:However, if the group is mainly day walkers you do not want to do anything too dramatic. The Bogong High Plains may be a good place to go in that you can do a circuit from anywhere - Pretty Valley, Dam Wall, Cope Hut. There's a heap of peaks that can be climbed, and if you play it smart many can be bagged with day packs. If the walk or weather become too grim then the former day-trippers can stop while you retrieve the car, or they can walk back. Many options.

Yeah, tend to agree with that. You don't want to be hitting to many steep and downs if people haven't had any experience doing so with full packs. There are heaps of peaks, including the Fainters, the Nelses, Timms Lookout and Spion Kopje, which can be linked by the various tracks and pads to create a good intro overnighter.
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