Budawangs question

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Budawangs question

Postby odnuas » Sat 31 Dec, 2011 2:46 pm

Hello all,

I have just returned from a day walk out to Byangee Walls via Castle Gap. We took the fire trail from Long Gully up to the South East corner of the Castle and then followed the trail along the eastern side of the castle to Castle Gap. Does anyone know if it is possible to get to the Castle Saddle from the eastern side of the Castle? I'm thinking probably not given the pretty imposing cliff line just below Cooyoyo campsite but just wondered if there is a way through.
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Re: Budawangs question

Postby Grabeach » Mon 02 Jan, 2012 9:24 pm

Bear with me. There’s a story that needs telling and you’ll get your answer in the end.

Don Rice co-founded Sutherland Bushwalking Club in 1969. As well as being involved in S & R for a couple of decades, he lead many overnight walks in The Budawangs and Ettrema in the 70s and 80s, finding a number of new routes. He also did a number of small party one day exploratories, one of which I believe may have found an additional pass onto Byangee Walls. His house was burnt to the ground in the 1994 Como bushfires, taking his comprehensive route notes with it. He died in 2000. Don was a modest guy who never received the recognition he deserved outside of his club.

I was fortunate enough to be on his 10-11/12/88 Sutherland walk that went up what the programme called Cooyoyo Pass. I also had heard Don call it Cooyoyo Up-Down. I think he had done it before, but I don’t know if he was the discoverer. It is near (I think just to the north of) the minor headland at Corang 2nd Ed. 457,9055. I can’t recall a lot about the route up, but I do remember traversing north along a terrace part way up and that it was more difficult than The Castle, a number of the party requiring rope assistance in the bottom section.

Good luck and let us know how you go. I’ve just returned to serious walking after a 15 year break, so I might just go and have another look myself.

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Re: Budawangs question

Postby FatCanyoner » Tue 03 Jan, 2012 10:04 pm

Grabeach wrote:I’ve just returned to serious walking after a 15 year break

But you've returned with a *&%$#! vengeance! I still need to rope you into a walk to explore those Narrowneck passes.
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Re: Budawangs question

Postby WarrenH » Wed 04 Jan, 2012 10:27 am

The most interesting way to get to Castle Gap from the East is over Byangee Walls by ascending Pickering Point. Walking across the length of Byangee and then after descending through the caves head back around to above Castle Gap and then head down. On one of the terraces, there is a need to head east, 30-50 metres, drop down then (again) head back to above Castle Gap. Well worth the effort.

About a year ago (two Augusts back just before I started the aborted washed-out ride on the BNT from Kilarney) on the Castle thread, I think I may have put a simple write-up, about how to basically do it. Have you seen the Castle thread?

I traversed Byangee with the Canberra Bush Walking Club and we descended from Castle Gap to the Yadboro campsite on the Byangee Trail. About the best walk/gully scrambling that I've ever done. We came over Shrouded Gods to Hollands Gorge, then along the Clyde to the semi clearing opposite Talaterang Creek. We got as close to Pickering Point as we could on the old fire trail, then straight up the spur. There is a wall about 2.5-3m that someone has to climb, before we could help each other. A rope is needed to haul packs in two spots. There is also a chute (chimney) of about 6m to work your way up, then it is just searching your way to the top.

Descending through the caves which are on the southern side of Castle Point, was relatively easy, but done on our bums, it was slippery from rain. Then we made out way back to the point, over a couple of ledges, then straight down the end of the point ... but we started the climb down slightly to the right at first, as you are facing the Castle.

There is a new easier route to ascend Byangee, that goes up a gully and you don't need rope. I'll contact the guys from the Canberra Bushwalkers and find out ... back ASAP.

After talking to a couple of members of the CBC, that gully route isn't an eastern route to Castle Gap. It is quote, "It is the well warn track, 100m around on the right from Castle Gap."

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Re: Budawangs question

Postby Matt88 » Sat 11 Apr, 2015 8:23 am

Legend. Thanks for that. We are driving in now. Will let you know how we go.
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Re: Budawangs question

Postby puredingo » Sun 12 Apr, 2015 6:30 pm

Cool, was going to start a thread with this exact title.
I was planning on doing the castle on Saturday but the misty fog put me off it, instead I headed up the Clyde then pigeon house gorge. I intended on crossing over to wombat ridge but couldn't find a pass without a pretty heavy climb involved.
I was about halfway up the gorge where the creek turns North bound.
I reached the highest band of rock face before turning around as nobody on earth new I was in there and a fall would of been critical. Not looking for an elevator up but was wondering if anyone knew a reliable pass?
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Re: Budawangs question

Postby Grabeach » Sun 12 Apr, 2015 10:02 pm

The Budawangs Sketch Map shows a negotiable route in that area. I transcribed it onto my 1983 2nd Ed. Milton 1:25000 at 530,893. This converts to MGA 531,895. I have NOT done it myself.
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Re: Budawangs question

Postby puredingo » Mon 13 Apr, 2015 7:09 am

Thanks heaps Grabeach, I'll consult the maps with those eastings and have another go.

Funny, this isn't a walk I planned on, or was even dying to do, but now I've started it I feel i have to finish it...weird how it works? If anybody else is keen by all means come along.
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Re: Budawangs question

Postby jackhinde » Mon 13 Apr, 2015 7:46 am

My brother and I sat on top of Byangee walls last summer and had a good look at this problem. We noted three possible ways to overcome the lower cliffs on the eastern face of the castle (north of Castle Gap). The third means worked out. It was a long hot day, with some rope work involved (including a back track abseil on the second pass that wasn't a pass). We were not the first to find our way up, as in a creek flowing over the tier someone had bashed a black plastic tube into seeping rock to form a bottle filling flow of water. I was thankful for this and drank 1.2 l of water in less than a minute.
I suggest walkers stick to the well worn path on the western side of the Castle.
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Re: Budawangs question

Postby odnuas » Wed 15 Apr, 2015 8:42 pm


Thanks for the update on this thread! I'm glad we didn't persevere on the day...I remember getting a heap of leaches just getting round to the base of those cliffs!

Your post also reminded me that its been way too long since I've walked in the Budawangs.


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Re: Budawangs question

Postby puredingo » Wed 22 Apr, 2015 6:49 am

Grabeach, I reversed it on the weekend and came down off Ruseden head onto wombat ridge and then down into the gorge.

There is actually a very skinny foot track leading off the ridge to the bluffs which is handy because that scrub around there would be *&%$#! near inpenertrable otherwise. The track puts you further north than your suggestion, still, good to know it's there.
Athrotaxis selaginoides
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Re: Budawangs question

Postby Grabeach » Wed 22 Apr, 2015 6:07 pm

The track down the southern tip of Rusden Head is shown on the sketch map. There is also a pass off Rusden Head (not shown) at about 5435,920 (MGA 5535,922). Could be useful if exploring Pigeon House Gorge / Porters Creek (we came up from MGA 544,933). I am reticent to say how difficult the pass was, as it was both my first off track and first overnight walk maybe 30 years ago.
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