Wade with a platypus?

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Wade with a platypus?

Postby Orion » Wed 22 Jul, 2015 9:43 am

Anyone know if Zoos Victoria near Melbourne is worth a visit?

I originally found them on the web while searching for a place I might see and hear a lyrebird.
But then I noticed they offered this unusual opportunity to interact with a platypus.
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Re: Wade with a platypus?

Postby MickyB » Wed 22 Jul, 2015 10:13 am

I think that opportunity would be at Healesville Sanctuary which is part of Zoos Victoria. It is approx 1 to 1.5 hours from Melbourne.

From memory they only have Aussie native animals. There is a lot of walking between enclosures compared to Melbourne Zoo. They often walk dingoes on leads around the Sanctuary which you can pat and there is a great bird aviary that you can walk through and feed the parrots. Certainly worth a visit.

Last year they up-graded their lyrebird enclosure which now has a raised viewing platform. There are plenty of places nearby that you could see lyrebirds in their natural environment but at least you would be guaranteed to see one at the Sanctuary.

I have never heard of the opportunity to wade with the platypus so can't comment on that. There are quite a few platypus on display including a 'cave' that you walk through to view the platypus in their tanks.
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Re: Wade with a platypus?

Postby north-north-west » Wed 22 Jul, 2015 10:17 am

If it is Healesville, then it's definitely worth a visit. They also have Wedgies.
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Re: Wade with a platypus?

Postby MickyB » Wed 22 Jul, 2015 10:25 am

north-north-west wrote:If it is Healesville, then it's definitely worth a visit. They also have Wedgies.

Ahhh yeah. Forgot about that NNW. They have the birds of prey flight show.
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Re: Wade with a platypus?

Postby Orion » Fri 24 Jul, 2015 11:34 am

Thank you for the feedback.
Athrotaxis selaginoides
Athrotaxis selaginoides
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