Watsons Crags and Mt Twynam Ascent

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Watsons Crags and Mt Twynam Ascent

Postby Messidor » Sun 23 Aug, 2015 12:43 pm

I am looking for some advice regarding a summer ascent of Watson's Crags and Mt Twynam. I am aware that one can leave from Charlotte's Pass and down-climb to Watson's Crags, but I am more interested in the possibility of an ascent from the west near Geehi, which would be considerably harder. Not planning on anything soon - this summer at the earliest or possibly Easter 2016 - but it would good to know if anyone has tried this. It would be particularly helpful to know how to reach the base of the Crags, as from Google Earth there doesn't appear to be any roads particularly close by.

Any area knowledge would be very helpful.

Watsons Crags.png
Watson's Crags and Mt Twynam as seen in Google Earth
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Re: Watsons Crags and Mt Twynam Ascent

Postby north-north-west » Sun 23 Aug, 2015 1:36 pm

According to my old Geehi Walking Club book, there is a vehicle track/road that runs up from the Geehi reservoir beside Siren Song Creek, almost to the hydro tunnel that connects Siren Song and Strzelecki Creeks. From there it should be possible to climb what the book refers to as 'surprisingly open grass slopes' - but I don't know how far up they extend.

The alternative is to start from Olsens Lookout and drop more or less easterly to the river, before turning south east for the climb up the Crags. As far as I know, this area is pretty hard core, mainly due to regrowth after fires. The river can also be tricky to cross if the water level is up at all. I'll scan the accompanying sketch maps when I get the chance. They should show enough detail to use as a rough guide with proper topographical maps of the area.
Last edited by north-north-west on Sun 23 Aug, 2015 2:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Watsons Crags and Mt Twynam Ascent

Postby north-north-west » Sun 23 Aug, 2015 2:12 pm

OK, the map in question. Black lines are public roads. The heavier broken black lines are Hydro/Parks vehicle tracks. Red lines are walking tracks, broken red lines are suggested routes.
I'm not sure if that track shown heading down to the river from near Olsens still exists.
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Re: Watsons Crags and Mt Twynam Ascent

Postby Messidor » Sun 23 Aug, 2015 2:59 pm

north-north-west wrote:OK, the map in question. Black lines are public roads. The heavier broken black lines are Hydro/Parks vehicle tracks. Red lines are walking tracks, broken red lines are suggested routes.
I'm not sure if that track shown heading down to the river from near Olsens still exists.

That's a lot of help. Looks like a pretty serious challenge there. I have a book with the Geehi to Mt Townsend hike which could help me, as the return route follows the Lady Northcote Canyon. What's the best topo map for the Twynam area if you don't mind me asking?
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Re: Watsons Crags and Mt Twynam Ascent

Postby north-north-west » Sun 23 Aug, 2015 3:59 pm

1:25k Geehi Dam and Perisher Valley. They overlap a bit south of Watsons.
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Re: Watsons Crags and Mt Twynam Ascent

Postby Messidor » Sun 23 Aug, 2015 4:01 pm

north-north-west wrote:1:25k Geehi Dam and Perisher Valley. They overlap a bit south of Watsons.

Are both necessary or is either one acceptable? Thanks
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Re: Watsons Crags and Mt Twynam Ascent

Postby north-north-west » Sun 23 Aug, 2015 4:09 pm

You really need both to cover that area properly. It's not a lot of money or weight.
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Re: Watsons Crags and Mt Twynam Ascent

Postby Tortoise » Sun 23 Aug, 2015 4:42 pm

double post
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Re: Watsons Crags and Mt Twynam Ascent

Postby Tortoise » Sun 23 Aug, 2015 4:43 pm

JudeLNS wrote:
north-north-west wrote:OK, the map in question. Black lines are public roads. The heavier broken black lines are Hydro/Parks vehicle tracks. Red lines are walking tracks, broken red lines are suggested routes.
I'm not sure if that track shown heading down to the river from near Olsens still exists.

That's a lot of help. Looks like a pretty serious challenge there. I have a book with the Geehi to Mt Townsend hike which could help me, as the return route follows the Lady Northcote Canyon. What's the best topo map for the Twynam area if you don't mind me asking?

What year is the book? It'd be good to get updated info.
Many years ago (long pre-fires), the track from Olsens lookout to the river and up was apparently non-existent when we were considering it.

We started near Tooma Dam, walked south and dropped off the Main Range via the creek to the south of the Sentinel (parallel with Strzelecki Creek), to the Opera House (?burned down and rebuilt I think). We were told that when we got there, going through the tunnel under Watsons Crags would be the 'obvious choice -only 2kms of icy ankle deep water in pitch black'. But the chest-high-ish stopper waves at the intake put me off. :shock: Using the tunnel is apparently now banned.

Anyhoo, eventually :roll: I found the start of the 'goat track' marked as a route on NNW's map that traversed the (very) steep slopes of Watson's Crags. We took that (pretty overgrown in places, but immensely easier than traversing that slope with its hidden cliffs), then followed the old road to Geehi Dam. BUT I have no idea what exists post-fires. I thought KHA would have more info, but their website doesn't mention the rebuild. Assuming other info is correct, perhaps they re-did the goat track??
Incidentally, the top of our route was very steep, with little to hang onto. I realised that if we'd had to retreat, I may not have physically been able to do it, at least with my big pack.

Some googling should help.
http://forums.ski.com.au/xf/threads/trip-planning-help-opera-house-hut.54103/ is a start.
Edit: The original intention was to go via Lady Northcotes Canyon, but we lost a day late in the walk, so went with an unresearched plan...
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Re: Watsons Crags and Mt Twynam Ascent

Postby north-north-west » Sun 23 Aug, 2015 4:58 pm

Tortoise wrote:
JudeLNS wrote:
north-north-west wrote:OK, the map in question. Black lines are public roads. The heavier broken black lines are Hydro/Parks vehicle tracks. Red lines are walking tracks, broken red lines are suggested routes.
I'm not sure if that track shown heading down to the river from near Olsens still exists.

That's a lot of help. Looks like a pretty serious challenge there. I have a book with the Geehi to Mt Townsend hike which could help me, as the return route follows the Lady Northcote Canyon. What's the best topo map for the Twynam area if you don't mind me asking?

What year is the book? It'd be good to get updated info.

2001 edition. Funny - thought I'd had it longer than that.
The main notes are really for a visit to Canyon Falls and a descent off Watsons, but they include options for loops and sidetrips.
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Re: Watsons Crags and Mt Twynam Ascent

Postby Tortoise » Sun 23 Aug, 2015 5:05 pm

JudeLNS wrote: I have a book with the Geehi to Mt Townsend hike which could help me, as the return route follows the Lady Northcote Canyon.

Oops - I meant this book :oops:
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Re: Watsons Crags and Mt Twynam Ascent

Postby Lophophaps » Mon 24 Aug, 2015 8:49 am

It may be an idea to take a short length of rope for lowering packs, crossing the Geehi and hauling packs. Some sections look steep and the Geehi could be deep and fast. From the river the ridge to the top of Watsons looks nice. Lady Northcotes Canyon could have post-fire regrowth. Would the return journey be the same way? With time, it's possible to go over Tate - Rolling Ground - Schlink Hilton and a really long road bash back to the car. Or continue to Thredbo for a drive, or down Hannels, always fun in nil visibility.
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Re: Watsons Crags and Mt Twynam Ascent

Postby DarrenM » Tue 25 Aug, 2015 8:34 pm

Hi JudeLNS.

Sounds like a nice trip in the making. I've spent some time in and around the Crags etc, and my tip would be Drop down from Olsen's lookout into Lady Northcotes and up to the Opera House hut, then swing round to Crags creek for the climb up to the tops. Keeping left at any creek junctions. Some creeks don't go.

The drop down off the Lookout is steep as is all the climbing up onto the Crags. The Sentinel is another great route but once again, its steep.

I haven't climbed the crags from the end point on the Geehi so keep your options open. Travel along the river will be hard going due to blackberry bush and regrowth.

The goat track is non existent and travel through the tunnel is not recommended due to sudden water level changes.

Any fire trails that used to run down from near Olsen's are severely overgrown. There are no tracks to speak of.

If you are prepared and have experience in general off track bashing steep terrain then you will love it. Good luck and let us know how you go.

The ski.com link has some useful info.
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Re: Watsons Crags and Mt Twynam Ascent

Postby keithconley1 » Tue 22 May, 2018 5:02 pm


I walked from Charlottes Pass up to Watsons Crags, descended to the Geehi River, up to the road and then along to Swampy Creek. From there I went back up Hannels Spur to summit of Kozzie and then back to the car at Charlottes. Camped on the Geehi River and at Swampy Plains River campsite. The hardest section was easily the descent off Watsons Crags. Waist deep leaf litter in places and sketchy rock scrambles. We came across a surprise contour footpath diagonal to our direction about two-thirds of the way down. We figured this must have had something to do with the tunnel below. I was a very naive uni student at the time and even though all we had to do was descend to the river, we got genuinely lost. Me and my mate at times knew we had made a really big mistake trying to do this walk, but there was no backing out. There was no trace of any track. It is unrelentingly steep and hard and tough. Popped out on what we learned later was Lady Northcote creek and it wasn't until it joined the Geehi that we finally figured out where we were. Guidebook said follow the river upstream and look for some tape on the western side. We found it, scrambled up into the bush and almost immediately found an old mining camp. From there we found an old overgrown track that contoured up to the Geehi Road. From Watsons Crags to the Geehi River took us 9 hours.
This was the toughest walk I've ever done. I was pretty stupid to attempt it with my level of experience at the time (mid 90s), but if I'd had anymore, I wouldn't have had a go at all. So I'm glad I did it. It was that walk that set me as a bushwalker for life. Definitely never to be forgotten. It is probably a horrible mess of re-growth now.
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