Basically I either tripple bag it in the main compartment of my pack with all the straps, zips, drawstrings etc. done up tight and placed in the vestibule or I sleep with it within a few inches of my head (with nothing sepatating me from my food). The first option doesn't always work however.
Never had them attack my sunscreen and I don't carry toothpaste.
Last time I went overnight I forgot a snap loc bag of M&M's in the netting side pocket of my pack and they made short work of eating through that. Personally I haven't seen them eat through a pack but I have seen them undo a zip, drawstring, supermarket bag, snap loc bag, cup-a-soup box and cup-a-soup sachet all to get to those good ol artificial flavours. They did once eat through a solid part of my day pack - but it wasn't the really tough outer fabric part - I'm sure others will have had far worse encounters however!
I wonder if you were to stuff food in a possum wool sock would they eat through it?