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Re: Paris

Postby wayno » Tue 17 Nov, 2015 3:01 am

GPSGuided wrote:
wayno wrote:a lot of arabs are under the same conditions, the vast majority don't resort to terrorism as an answer.
it often takes a paranoid personality to resort to the extremes of ISIS. Hitlers SS troops was also rife with paranoid personalities.

That's not paranoia but being opportunistic. The more the extreme the condition gets the more likely these extremisms would rise. With the mess of Iraq and the failed regime change in Syria, it has reached a critical mass there. Complete stuff up by the US led Western powers.

Edit: Oops, just read the following posts. I'll shut up too. Peace on Earth!

paranoids flock to these extreme causes, it may be opportunism, but there will be a lot of paranoid people in there claiming all sorts of spurious reasons for being there, when they are really fueled by paranoia.
from the land of the long white clouds...
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Re: Paris

Postby geoskid » Wed 18 Nov, 2015 11:12 am

Some reading for those that are interested and have not already done so.
My purpose? - Call it cross pollination. :) ... ture-50854

"The brutal acts of a few terrorists in Paris have revealed the thoughtlessness of many in public life and the media."

"So how have politicians and commentators in the mass media reacted senselessly? Four examples are immediately evident."
Critical Thinking.. the awakening of the intellect to the study of itself.
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Re: Paris

Postby Hallu » Thu 26 Nov, 2015 8:40 pm

Absolute rubbish this thing geoskid. The French president in fact said France wouldn't stop welcoming refugees. The borders were closed only for a couple of days, and still welcoming refugees was an act plebiscited by everyone. Maybe he meant the US who are increasing their background check for refugees ? In that case, he should have said so, but even then they didn't shut their borders...

Also, his argumentation is poor. You can detect it when he writes a whole paragraph about something and then concludes "But this is beside the point.". It's a vomitting spell of nonsense, with sentences such as "France, a country with such a strident history of nationalism (and nationalistic atrocities)" with 0 example cited... He also fails to analyse the true problem : why this generation of French young men and women feels abandoned and falls into radicalism. He also claims "The massacre of French people under the guise of Islamism is also horrible – but needs to be interpreted in its historical context" but doesn't interpret anything...

It's basically saying "what's in the press and being said by the politicians is all wrong... but I'm not going to tell you what's right". This type of article is widespread after terrorism attacks, and is frankly the things that make me the angriest. Those pretentious lesson givers who think they know better than anyone while having no argument at all. You also get morons who say that everything we've done before have led to this and that we've should have done the opposite. Some people say we shouldn't have helped Lybian rebels, but they contradict themselves by claiming that we should have helped the Syrian ones... Those same people often say the US shouldn't have intervened in Irak, but claim the US should have intervened sooner in Syria with the famous "boots on the ground".

The thing is, they didn't attack France because France bombed a couple of Isis camps before. They attacked France because it was an easy target. EU borders are letting anybody through, Belgium has weak counter terrorism policies, and acquiring weapons is way too easy. And the worst : France and Belgium has many youth from Arab descent who feel lost and angry. Scandinavia or Germany don't have that problem.

Increasing security in theaters or bars won't change anything: there'll alway be an easy target. It can be trams, trains, supermarkets... It's not hard to find crowded places. Intelligence measures, border controls, armed men on the street is the only short term solution... Long term ? I think no one has the answer... It's a mess started a very long time ago with the dismembering of the Ottoman Empire and the creation of the state of Israel...
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