The next day we did a day hike to Hell's Window and back. Hellfire Creek was barely trickling. There was not enough to fill up a camelback bladder even if you waited 5 hours for each drop to trickle down. Everything up there is fly blown and dry. Thanks goodness I had my anti insect head net. It was a fly hell.
Hell's window was a worthy destination and we inspected it from the top and the bottom tracks. The wildflowers up there are really blooming now .
Tuesday 29/12/15 was a day hike to Mt. Buggery and back. It was too hot and fly blown to go to Mt. Speculation and back. We had doubts about Camp Creek being a 100% certainty for water so we didn't chance it .We thought about taking our full loads and camping at Camp Creek but the water, increasing heat and fly issues were overwhelming , so it became a day trip with lunch at Mt Buggery .
We also cancelled the idea of descending back to the car along the Stanley name spur track.
We hiked out via the Howitt spur. It is tougher going down that track than ascending.Next time I head up to Mac. Springs I will ascend via that Stanley name route for sure. Mac. Springs was not too crowded at all so that was very pleasant .
The Boxing day to New year's period is a good time to go. I have been up there at that time two years in a row and it has been pleasant , with few crowds and long hours of daylight. There are signs that the 'Fuel stove only ' notices located inside the loo with a view and inside the hut are working. The rangers seem to be trying to heal the fire scars that are scattered all over the campsites.
They have discarded circles of logs around fire scars, dismantled rock rings which encircled remnants of camp fires, thrown away half burnt logs etc.
Some people had moved into the Gantner hut and had kind of set it up as THEIR holiday house. The windows are now repaired but without double glazing it would be cold inside that hut in the white season. They were using the fireplace to cook on , despite the warm weather and the details of the FUEL STOVE ONLY sign inside the hut and the instruction to light the hut's wood fire place fire only in an emergency. We kept away from the hut and enjoyed camping near the spring and sharing in the insect hell. What a good trip away it was .
It is good to be alive!