Howitt spur,Mac.Springs, Hellfire creek,Mt. Buggery trip .

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Howitt spur,Mac.Springs, Hellfire creek,Mt. Buggery trip .

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Fri 01 Jan, 2016 9:10 am

Hi, My trekking friend and I went up the Howitt spur to Mac. Springs .We camped on Boxing day(26.12.15) evening at the Upper Howqua. It was COLD up there that night . The early morning ascent up the Howitt spur was undertaken in enjoyably cool conditions .The track clearing works only extend a few kms past the last the river crossing. There was some scrub to push through and logs to clamber over here and there higher up for sure.The weather was clear for the whole trip . Mac. Spring was flowing well .

The next day we did a day hike to Hell's Window and back. Hellfire Creek was barely trickling. There was not enough to fill up a camelback bladder even if you waited 5 hours for each drop to trickle down. Everything up there is fly blown and dry. Thanks goodness I had my anti insect head net. It was a fly hell.
Hell's window was a worthy destination and we inspected it from the top and the bottom tracks. The wildflowers up there are really blooming now .

Tuesday 29/12/15 was a day hike to Mt. Buggery and back. It was too hot and fly blown to go to Mt. Speculation and back. We had doubts about Camp Creek being a 100% certainty for water so we didn't chance it .We thought about taking our full loads and camping at Camp Creek but the water, increasing heat and fly issues were overwhelming , so it became a day trip with lunch at Mt Buggery .
We also cancelled the idea of descending back to the car along the Stanley name spur track.
We hiked out via the Howitt spur. It is tougher going down that track than ascending.Next time I head up to Mac. Springs I will ascend via that Stanley name route for sure. Mac. Springs was not too crowded at all so that was very pleasant .
The Boxing day to New year's period is a good time to go. I have been up there at that time two years in a row and it has been pleasant , with few crowds and long hours of daylight. There are signs that the 'Fuel stove only ' notices located inside the loo with a view and inside the hut are working. The rangers seem to be trying to heal the fire scars that are scattered all over the campsites.
They have discarded circles of logs around fire scars, dismantled rock rings which encircled remnants of camp fires, thrown away half burnt logs etc.
Some people had moved into the Gantner hut and had kind of set it up as THEIR holiday house. The windows are now repaired but without double glazing it would be cold inside that hut in the white season. They were using the fireplace to cook on , despite the warm weather and the details of the FUEL STOVE ONLY sign inside the hut and the instruction to light the hut's wood fire place fire only in an emergency. We kept away from the hut and enjoyed camping near the spring and sharing in the insect hell. What a good trip away it was .
It is good to be alive! :D
Last edited by paidal_chalne_vala on Mon 04 Jan, 2016 6:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Lagarostrobos franklinii
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Re: Howitt spur,Mac.Springs, Hellfire creek,Mt. Buggery trip

Postby peregrinator » Fri 01 Jan, 2016 10:24 am

Thanks for the report. Yes, an insect net is essential at the moment anywhere in the alps. I wish the flies would go to buggery.

Speaking of speculation, maybe rangers were responsible for the dismantling, maybe not. There's nothing to stop you or me or anyone else from doing the same. At that location or anywhere else. Of course, there's also nothing to stop these fools from building future scars on the landscape, but at least they might have to think about the issue instead of just taking it as given that camp sites must have such scars.
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Re: Howitt spur,Mac.Springs, Hellfire creek,Mt. Buggery trip

Postby Xplora » Fri 01 Jan, 2016 3:10 pm

peregrinator wrote:Thanks for the report. Yes, an insect net is essential at the moment anywhere in the alps. I wish the flies would go to buggery.

Speaking of speculation, maybe rangers were responsible for the dismantling, maybe not. There's nothing to stop you or me or anyone else from doing the same. At that location or anywhere else. Of course, there's also nothing to stop these fools from building future scars on the landscape, but at least they might have to think about the issue instead of just taking it as given that camp sites must have such scars.

I think the problem is more with people cutting trees down for firewood more than the scar of the fire. There is very little wood on the ground now and people have been resorting to burning green wood. Some people also feel that first to the hut gives them rights to stop others using it. Someone commented about a group of hunters doing that a while back at Mac Springs. Also the water at Camp Creek is one of the most reliable in the mountains so you should never worry about not having at least enough to fill your bladders.
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Re: Howitt spur,Mac.Springs, Hellfire creek,Mt. Buggery trip

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Sat 02 Jan, 2016 9:33 am

OK, Thanks Xplora . I will keep that in mind about the water supply at Camp Creek. In any event the heat and flies would have made the full traverse from Mac Springs to Camp Creek most arduous and unpleasant. Then we would have had to come back to pick up the car at the Upper Howqua, adding some serious kilometres to what was meant to be some R and R in the hills.
Lagarostrobos franklinii
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Re: Howitt spur,Mac.Springs, Hellfire creek,Mt. Buggery trip

Postby donktec » Mon 04 Jan, 2016 2:57 pm

Thanks for sharing the report.
I was up the same area a few days after yourselves. Hellfire creek totally dry now, not even worth licking the rocks...
Came up Helicopter spur and pretty hot and tired by the time i made it. Luckily some campers gave me a few cups of cold water!
Very quiet at VG hut, it was a relief to be inside and away from the heat and flies.
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Re: Howitt spur,Mac.Springs, Hellfire creek,Mt. Buggery trip

Postby Eljimberino » Tue 26 Jan, 2016 3:53 pm

You asked the people at VG hut if you could stay in there and they said no?
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Re: Howitt spur,Mac.Springs, Hellfire creek,Mt. Buggery trip

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Thu 28 Jan, 2016 10:45 pm

I lugged a tent up the Howitt spur . I was going to use it ,hut or no hut!
Lagarostrobos franklinii
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Re: Howitt spur,Mac.Springs, Hellfire creek,Mt. Buggery trip

Postby David of Hawthorn » Mon 07 Mar, 2016 4:29 pm

I'm a new user and this is my first post (question!). Together with a couple of mates, I'm proposing to climb Howitt Spur this coming long weekend of 12-14 Mar, and more or less follow paidal_chalne_vala's route described in this forum. Doubtless, joining the masses! Does anyone have up-to-date info on whether Macalister Springs still has water? I haven't been up there for many years and it seems extraordinary if it has run dry, but a ranger from Parks Vic Heyfield office told me by phone this morning, that they're advising people not to rely on the Springs flowing at the moment, due to the extended dry period.
Also, does anyone know whether it's still easy enough to get down Bindaree Rd from the Circuit Rd to the Upper Howqua campsite (ie down to the river) in 2WD? It always used to be.
(I have been exploring this excellent blog over the past week or so, and I am indebted to everyone's diligence for the terrific information which it contains. Thanks everyone!)
Thanks for responses.
David of Hawthorn
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Re: Howitt spur,Mac.Springs, Hellfire creek,Mt. Buggery trip

Postby peregrinator » Mon 07 Mar, 2016 7:40 pm

David of Hawthorn wrote: . . . Also, does anyone know whether it's still easy enough to get down Bindaree Rd from the Circuit Rd to the Upper Howqua campsite (ie down to the river) in 2WD? It always used to be.

Bindaree Road posed no problem whatsoever for a 2WD one month ago.
Athrotaxis selaginoides
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Re: Howitt spur,Mac.Springs, Hellfire creek,Mt. Buggery trip

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Mon 07 Mar, 2016 7:45 pm

Bindaree rd is fine for 2 wd if it is dry.
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Re: Howitt spur,Mac.Springs, Hellfire creek,Mt. Buggery trip

Postby peregrinator » Mon 07 Mar, 2016 8:12 pm

paidal_chalne_vala wrote:Bindaree rd is fine for 2 wd if it is dry.

There is a medium chance of showers in the forecast for the latter part of this week, so that does need to be considered (my recent trip there was in dry conditions). But the road is well-graded, has no erosion and has no steep bits.
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Re: Howitt spur,Mac.Springs, Hellfire creek,Mt. Buggery trip

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Tue 08 Mar, 2016 9:41 pm

The circuit road when it is muddy is a USE LOW GEAR kind of trip for 2 WD.
Lagarostrobos franklinii
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Re: Howitt spur,Mac.Springs, Hellfire creek,Mt. Buggery trip

Postby peregrinator » Wed 09 Mar, 2016 12:56 pm

paidal_chalne_vala wrote:The circuit road when it is muddy is a USE LOW GEAR kind of trip for 2 WD.

Sure is. And you've reminded me that when I was up there last month, sections of the Circuit Road were much rougher than the Bindaree Road.
Athrotaxis selaginoides
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Re: Howitt spur,Mac.Springs, Hellfire creek,Mt. Buggery trip

Postby David of Hawthorn » Thu 10 Mar, 2016 8:22 am

Hi Paidal and Peregrinator
Many thanks for your v helpful inputs on both Circuit and Bindaree Roads. I'm afraid our group is going to wimp-out of our proposed trip on the basis of my concerns that Mac Springs have run dry: heading up top for two nights means we would be reliant on that spring. FYI - I've now spoken with a Parks Ranger from each of Heyfield and Mansfield, and while neither knew for sure (no rangers have had cause to go there for the last couple of weeks), both indicated there was a real possibility the Springs will be dry. (20 years ago, Mac Springs was never known to run dry; times change, I guess ...)
Thus, a more sedate weekend based at Sheepyard Flat, and a series of day-walks for us. A showery weekend is forecast, but nothing too serious. I'll post some trip notes on our return.
David of Hawthorn
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Re: Howitt spur,Mac.Springs, Hellfire creek,Mt. Buggery trip

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Thu 10 Mar, 2016 6:07 pm

Mac Springs were flowing on the week after Xmas '15. Hell Fire Creek was DRY . We were concerned about Camp Creek but Xplora says that is always flowing. You could carry water in from Mac Springs car park and then push on to Mt Speculation.
Lagarostrobos franklinii
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Re: Howitt spur,Mac.Springs, Hellfire creek,Mt. Buggery trip

Postby Xplora » Fri 11 Mar, 2016 4:36 am

paidal_chalne_vala wrote:Mac Springs were flowing on the week after Xmas '15. Hell Fire Creek was DRY . We were concerned about Camp Creek but Xplora says that is always flowing. You could carry water in from Mac Springs car park and then push on to Mt Speculation.

Just to be more correct. Camp creek has been one of the most reliable springs in the mountains but I would not go as far to say it will never run dry. You could ring PV at Whitfield but they are only a small office and may not get back to you quick enough. Falls had 12mm last night and I think that was indicative of the rest of the range. I think to err on the safer side is most responsible. Credit to the group.
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Re: Howitt spur,Mac.Springs, Hellfire creek,Mt. Buggery trip

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Thu 17 Mar, 2016 4:02 pm

Yes, we piked out of going to Mt Spec. in Dec. because of the doubt about water supplies .
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