Camping grounds with showers and toilets

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Camping grounds with showers and toilets

Postby akol » Thu 06 Nov, 2008 3:56 pm

Hi!!! This is my first post!!!

haha .... we are looking to go to tassy for the first time. Travelling in a car. Could anyone recommend camping grounds ANYWHERE in tassy (as we wanna see it all) with showers and toilets. Fees are not a problem. Somewhere near a beach/river/lake would be nice as we're keen fisher-people.

Thanks :)

PS: Travelling 22 Nov - will be there for upto a month.
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Re: Camping grounds with showers and toilets

Postby the_camera_poser » Thu 06 Nov, 2008 7:13 pm

Montagu Reserve, past Smithton, is supposed to be pretty nice, thuogh I don't know that much about it. There's also the Pioneer Reserve at Riana, near Burnie/Wynyard. Lots of caravan parks here are quite cheap too.

Re: Camping grounds with showers and toilets

Postby Chris » Thu 06 Nov, 2008 9:42 pm

Arthur River, even further past Smithton, North part of the West coast and part of the wonderful Tarkine.
Cheap National Parks camp in AR town itself with flush toilets and COLD showers but also CP about 2 Km before town with hot showers.
Manuka campground between these 2 is our preferred spot; much less developed but water, toilets and only 5 min walk to cold showers if you wish!

AR itself is apparently a great beach and boat fishing spot, though we don't fish.
Best of all is the very long beach walking north of the river, and lots of fascinating spots on the coast with great rock formations.

Canoes are available for hire.

Just a thought though; OK if in your own car, even 2WD, but south of AR probably out of bounds in a hire car.
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Re: Camping grounds with showers and toilets

Postby sthughes » Thu 06 Nov, 2008 11:19 pm

Sooo many parks where do I start!

Devonport would be good seem that’s where the boat comes in.
I was talking to some South Australian caravaners last week and they said STAY AWAY from the Bluff Caravan Park - they reckoned it was dirty and the amenities were filthy. Of course it's just hearsay - but they were very happy at the next place (which I thought was just normal - nothing special). So that's where not to go in Devonport.
Then Ulverstone (west of D'port) has two pretty good parks on the beech (each side of the river) - never stayed in either so I don't know much.
Port Sorell (just east of D'port) has a good park also on the beech. Stayed there a bit and always been quite happy - although very busy over Xmas holidays.
Bakers beech (further east) has a National Park (Narawntapu) with camping grounds that sort of sprawls along the beach in about 5 different camping areas. Only one area has showers so if you can stay in that part (near the entrance) it is good. 2 tips - this area is often busy so perhaps try mid-week and the showers take stupid token things that you have to get from the ranger's station before it closes for the night!
Yes Pioneer Reserve at Riana is in the middle of nowhere, but not far from anywhere, cheap though. I stopped their recently and it looked good - I didn't stay however (was just trying to diagnose why my indicaters had died - blown fuse - weird).
Last weekend I stayed at the Beach Retreat Tourist Park in Wynyard . Was quite nice and right on the beach, is nice and grassy and has a good campers kitchen. You can also fish off the wharf about 2 minutes walk away. (shoulder high shower heads is my biggest gripe!)
Stanley has an excellent park. Right on the beach, nice campers kitchen, nice grassy sites.
Cradle Mountain (just near the airstrip) has a fantastic park. Awesome facilities. Lacks grass - but then you try growing grass in the rubbish ground and snow!
That's all I know of in the northwest.
I stayed at Coles Bay (east coast) last year - quite nice but small camp sites (bout 3m wide x 7m long), pricey too.
Also stayed at Treasure Island Caravan Park last year. Quite nice but watch out for the Water Rats at night if you are camped by the water.
Snug (south of Hobart) has an excellent park with great facilities right on the beach.
Lake St. Clair Nat Park has a good park as well (stupid token operated showers - buy from cafe in business hrs).
These all cost sort of $25-30ish a night in general.

That's all I know (or can remember) that's worthwhile for the time being. Have a great holiday and welcome to BWT :D
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Re: Camping grounds with showers and toilets

Postby Son of a Beach » Fri 07 Nov, 2008 7:15 am

As much as I would love this site to become the best resource for information on camp grounds, our primary focus is on bushwalking, so our information on camp grounds is not currently up to scratch.

Therefore it would be remiss of me if I did not point you in the direction of our friends at the Real Tasmania forums, who already have a good list of camp grounds in their dedicated Tasmanian Campgrounds forum. I think that most of the campgrounds listed there have little in the way of facilities, but there may be some in the list that have what you need.

I hope this helps.
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Re: Camping grounds with showers and toilets

Postby flyfisher » Fri 07 Nov, 2008 8:23 pm

There is a fantastic little caravan and camping park at Mole Creek, which is nice and close to the Mersey and some good walks.
Stayed there last Christmas fo a couple of nights.Under $20 per night fof tentsites. Good meals at the local pub.
Another nice one is at Ross which has no bushwalks but the river banks are accessible and very nice. The park is quite roomy and normally not too busy.Good meals at Man-o-Ross pub.

If you don't know what I'm talking about, then you need to drink more.
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Re: Camping grounds with showers and toilets

Postby melshane2001 » Thu 08 Oct, 2009 7:36 pm

akol wrote:Hi!!! This is my first post!!!

haha .... we are looking to go to tassy for the first time. Travelling in a car. Could anyone recommend camping grounds ANYWHERE in tassy (as we wanna see it all) with showers and toilets. Fees are not a problem. Somewhere near a beach/river/lake would be nice as we're keen fisher-people.

Thanks :)

PS: Travelling 22 Nov - will be there for upto a month.

Hi, in between orford and triahuna on the swansea side going to Hobart you will find a beach w a carpark and you can camp on the beach, facing Maria Island. Beautiful place, there is also a fish Co-op about 2 minutes away and they sell scallops and mussels. The best you'll ever find. A must see.
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Re: Camping grounds with showers and toilets

Postby DonQx » Fri 09 Oct, 2009 4:25 am

flyfisher wrote:There is a fantastic little caravan and camping park at Mole Creek, which is nice and close to the Mersey and some good walks.
Stayed there last Christmas fo a couple of nights.Under $20 per night fof tentsites. Good meals at the local pub.
Another nice one is at Ross which has no bushwalks but the river banks are accessible and very nice. The park is quite roomy and normally not too busy.Good meals at Man-o-Ross pub.


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Re: Camping grounds with showers and toilets

Postby DonQx » Fri 09 Oct, 2009 4:29 am

melshane2001 wrote:Hi, in between orford and triahuna on the swansea side going to Hobart you will find a beach w a carpark and you can camp on the beach, facing Maria Island. Beautiful place, there is also a fish Co-op about 2 minutes away and they sell scallops and mussels. The best you'll ever find. A must see.

Sounds like you're thinking of Mayfield Bay ... another one of our favs ... free (I think?, or maybe that's just been changed to a fairly nominal charge?) ... but no showers ... absolutely speccie views ... the sort of camp site we take for granted in Tas, but that is actually quite rare on a world scale ...
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Re: Camping grounds with showers and toilets

Postby DonQx » Fri 09 Oct, 2009 4:34 am

few more really nice ones:

Deloraine CP ... river bank, beutiful setting, ambling/stumbling distance to bakeries/cafes/pubs ... great showers

Lake Pedder ... Teds Beach and the camp areas at Scotts Peak Dam ... very speccie scenery ... free, but no showers

Fortescue Bay ... again one of those 'we take for granted in Tas' ... beautiful beach, walks, wreck, diving, fishing (best with boat) ... no showers

that'll do

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