Patagonia First Impressions R1 and NanoBivvytop

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[Sleeping bag | Unboxing] Kmart Summit Hooded $29
[Stove | Field test]Jetboil, flash $150

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Patagonia First Impressions R1 and NanoBivvytop

Postby Moondog55 » Tue 24 May, 2016 10:39 am

While I haven't had a chance to wear them for long my first impressions are that finally I've found a couple of midlayers that work together and are long enough in the sleeves to fit a beanpole like me.
While supposedly long enough to cover the palm of your hand in the cold weather position the sleeves are a tad short for that on me but on anybody else I suspect they would come down to the fingertips.
The centre zip is cut deep enough to come down to the waistline/hipbelt for venting when hot and just as the sales blurb says the body cut is such that extending your arms above the head does not pull the shirt above your belly button as so many pile shirts do these days.
The best part tho is the close fitting balaclava style hood, moves with me and never comes close to obscuring my vision.
Not cheap but if it means not loosing another balaclava that will pay for itself
Most of these comments also apply to the nanopuff bivvy
Personally I really prefer pullovers and while it won't be as warm as my old PuffBall it will come close as it uses GOLD insulation at 60gsm AND THE NEW INSULATION IS PROBABLY ALMOST EQUAL TO THE 100gsm IN THE PuffBall OF 30 years ago

to add links ... ?p=84185-0 ... ?p=40074-1
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Lagarostrobos franklinii
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Re: Patagonia First Impressions R1 and NanoBivvytop

Postby damoprz » Thu 26 May, 2016 2:54 pm

The new R1 looks great.
Are the prices in the states much better than here? I have some friends in Boulder at the moment and might get them to pick me up an R1 Hoody and Cap4 thermals.
You say the sleeves are a little short? How tall are you and what size did you get? I'm 189cm, normally wear smalls and just deal with the short sleeves.
Athrotaxis cupressoides
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Re: Patagonia First Impressions R1 and NanoBivvytop

Postby Moondog55 » Fri 27 May, 2016 9:39 am

Long arms
Not so skinny anymore but 184 tall
Don't get this and Cap4 thermals unless you wear a windshirt or other slick layer over the underwear, the gridfleece grabs.
Alternatively for really cold weather use silk weight and this as underwear
Only a centimeter short and the thumb hole puts pressure on the web between thumb and first finger when I raise my arms
No more Cap 1234 tho Just LW Medium and Expedition weight
New Medium weight is light tho; an ultra thin gridfleece
Expedition is the same as Cap4
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Re: Patagonia First Impressions R1 and NanoBivvytop

Postby damoprz » Sat 28 May, 2016 6:51 pm

I have a long sleeve shirt I always wear so I would not have a problem I think. I'll grab an R1 now and wait to decide on the thermals. I have some old kathmandu ones that are ok for now. My plan was to do: Thermals -> Home made Argon 90 wind jacket -> R1 -> Puffy -> rain jacket if needed. Should be light + warm.
Athrotaxis cupressoides
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Re: Patagonia First Impressions R1 and NanoBivvytop

Postby Moondog55 » Sun 29 May, 2016 5:43 am

I decided on the R1 rather than another shelled layer because of the longevity of the gridfleece fabric so we seem to have gravitated to similar layering systems
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Lagarostrobos franklinii
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