A place to share systematic reviews of bushwalking equipment, services and idea.
Forum rules
Forum rules
This is a place to share fair and systematic reviews of gear. Share the good, bad and ugly as well as including how you tested it and reviewed the gear. This is not the place to carry on about a bit of gear that failed, sometimes good gear has a lemon - this is more about systematic reviews. Although this can be a way to help gear manufactures with feedback, this is not the place to hassle them or ask for money back.
Start each thread with
[tag]Brand, product, RRP in AUD. The tags have two parts the type of gear and type of testing/review. eg
[Sleeping bag | Unboxing] Kmart Summit Hooded $29
[Stove | Field test]Jetboil, flash $150
Suggested review types. Unboxing, field test, 1 year on, stress test, teardown.
If someone else has already reviewed the same product in a similar method then please use the initial thread to include your review. Please note if the gear was provide to you for free, loan, discount or if you paid full RRP.
by Auswalker » Tue 07 Jun, 2016 7:51 am
Further to my post reviewing the Ember II, I just noticed a typo. The fill weight of down is 350 grams - not 359.
- Nothofagus cunninghamii

- Posts: 7
- Joined: Sat 10 Oct, 2015 7:04 am
- Location: Melbourne
- Region: Victoria
- Gender: Male
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