Can you recommend a hiking company, please?

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Can you recommend a hiking company, please?

Postby NatureAsTherapy » Thu 04 Aug, 2016 1:46 pm

Hi all!
I'm new here!
Can anyone recommended a hiking company in Tasmania, please?
I was looking at a trip with one company, but when pressed they were very vague in details, as in - the final cost, departing from, accommodation during the trip and final destination. These things I would expect to be confirmed before any outlay in non-refundable $. Or is that asking too much? I don't know! I've never been on an organised hiking trip before in Tassie.
Nothofagus cunninghamii
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Re: Can you recommend a hiking company, please?

Postby Hermione » Thu 04 Aug, 2016 7:34 pm

I've never been on a guided trip anywhere so can't help directly. i'm pretty sure there are people on this forum with some knowledge of these things. It might help if you gave a bit of info about what sort of trip you were trying to plan, maybe introduce yourself and give people some idea of your previous walking experience.
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Athrotaxis cupressoides
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Re: Can you recommend a hiking company, please?

Postby zac150 » Thu 04 Aug, 2016 8:07 pm

I can't recommend a company as I hiked by myself, but I am a little co fused by your original post.

Given your planning on hiking the overland track the start point, cradle mountain and finish point lake St Claire are fixed, are you asking if the hike will finish at the lake and you will get the boat across or will you walk the lake.

My understanding is that only one company has private huts, the rest stop at the public huts and use designated tent platforms (not the huts).

I can't comment on cost but I'd be looking to find out if prices include being picked up at Launceston/Hobart and if they can hold overnight bags etc do you so you have a change of clothes for a day or so at the end.
Athrotaxis cupressoides
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Re: Can you recommend a hiking company, please?

Postby NatureAsTherapy » Fri 05 Aug, 2016 12:28 pm

Thanks Hermione.
I'm a middle aged person that enjoys the great outdoors, however at my age now, also appreicate the comforts of a warm bed and a hot meal. I'm not 20 and roughing it anymore!
A group of like minded friends and myself hike and/or bike every week, in the bushland that surrounds Sydney. We average 15kms/4 hour hikes on moderate tracks. I have never hiked in Tasmania.
Therefore, I'm enquring about guided trips, that offer support vehicles or drop off/meet up points for the day, not so much as carrying my pack and setting up my own camp.
I found a fantastic trek with a company, however being a "fundraiser" company they we're light on details and final costs (all dependant I guess on people commiting to the trek, but could vary an increase as much as $1,000 per person to what they've quoted, something I cannot afford, and they wanted a $450 non-refundable deposit immediately).
The trip I'm looking to do is from Launceston to Hobart via the East Coast taking in Freycinet and Maria Island on the way.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Last edited by NatureAsTherapy on Fri 05 Aug, 2016 12:36 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Nothofagus cunninghamii
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Re: Can you recommend a hiking company, please?

Postby NatureAsTherapy » Fri 05 Aug, 2016 12:33 pm

Thanks Zac150.
The trip I'm looking to do is from Launceston to Hobart via the East Coast taking in Freycinet and Maria Island on the way.
As I've never hiked in Tasmania before, I was after advice on a reputable company that offers a guide and support.
Nothofagus cunninghamii
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Re: Can you recommend a hiking company, please?

Postby NatureAsTherapy » Fri 05 Aug, 2016 12:39 pm

I've just realised, that I should be in the parent forum, not this one. I'll move my inqury to there. Thanks!
Nothofagus cunninghamii
Nothofagus cunninghamii
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