johnk1 wrote:
Is there another part of the Kanangra area that you would suggest?
If you go a bit past the Coal Seam Cave - there is a saddle with a nice campsite in it - on the Gingra Track. I think it is the first saddle - the one before the turn off to Cottage Rock (if not, then it is the second one - the one between Cottage Rock and the Bullhead turnoff. Its a small level grassy area between trees.
Or, instead, you could walk on the other track from the Walls - towards Cloudmaker. Go of the end of the plateau, down the pass (you may have to help the 5 year old down) - then at the bottom of the cliffs - some nice caves to the left. Sunny in the morning. But these caves have aboriginal art, so I am not sure if camping in them is discouraged.
There are other campsites - e.g. one on the Gingra Track, on the Kanangra Plateau, about 15 minutes walk from the Cloudmaker turnoff. This is a grassy area in the heath - relatively sheltered by nearby heath.
And lots of campsites on the Boyd Plateau. Eg a bit out along the Rover Trail - just before the second creek crossing.