STS insulated comfort plus hiking mat

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STS insulated comfort plus hiking mat

Postby Rosseth » Fri 11 Nov, 2016 11:58 am

I have used the STS insulated light (Orange, mummy shape) for my hikes, however recently purchased the STS insulated comfort plus Large (Red, mummy shape). While it takes up a bit more room in the pack and weighs a bit more than the STS light (weighing in at 1kg for the Large), it adds amazing comfort and insulation, and is far superior particularly if you are a side sleeper. At no time does any part of my body feel the ground, whereas the light version I found requires a bit of wriggling to keep hips cushioned satisfactorally. Highly recommend it. I use this with my EE revelation quilt and STS inflatable pillow, giving me plenty of room to toss and turn (as I tend to do) I also purchased STS fitted sheet for my STS mats which adds extra comfort for next to no weight.

Side note: My young kids have small STS light mats with STS fitted sheets that slot into their sleeping bags, which they use camping and on sleep overs. They love them.
Nothofagus gunnii
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Re: STS insulated comfort plus hiking mat

Postby Thornbill » Fri 18 Nov, 2016 7:56 am

Thanks Rosseth. I'm thinking of getting the Comfort Light insulated, on paper it seems a good compromise between size, weight and warmth. I think the Comfort Plus might be a bit too bulky for me. Yet to try out the Comfort Light in the shops though. Perhaps a good procrastination task for a Friday lunch break :)
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Re: STS insulated comfort plus hiking mat

Postby Moondog55 » Fri 18 Nov, 2016 8:14 am

I have the Extra Large Comfort Plus Insulated [ the rectangular] and while it is bigger than the tapered model it isn't that much bigger.
I am thinking of also getting the Comfort Light insulated myself.
I have said before that in comfort terms the Comfort Plus punches well above its weight and the Comfort light should be that reasonable compromise.
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Re: STS insulated comfort plus hiking mat

Postby Rosseth » Mon 28 Nov, 2016 9:23 am

The comfort light insulated is amazing for the size and weight. I was really surprised when I first purchased it. Like I said though, the comfort plus really does add significantly to the insulation and comfort, but of course it does add a few hundred grams of extra weight. If going for an extra large size for any model, just be sure your tent has the internal room to fit it as it is longer as well as wider than the standard sizes.
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Re: STS insulated comfort plus hiking mat

Postby jadasa » Wed 30 Nov, 2016 10:36 am

Do you find it noisy? I have an exped synmat currently which is often noisy enough to wake me as I roll over in my sleep

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Re: STS insulated comfort plus hiking mat

Postby Moondog55 » Wed 30 Nov, 2016 11:01 am

I have noticed no more noise than my old Thermarest, so I reckon it is quiet
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Re: STS insulated comfort plus hiking mat

Postby Rosseth » Fri 03 Feb, 2017 10:17 pm

Yeah, noise is not really an issue as far as I'm concerned. It has never woken me up, and I can be a light sleeper. I use a STS fitted sheet which may help reduce noise.
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